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Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 13 – Alpha Wolf, Fall From Grace

Prototype 2 Walkthrough Part 13 – Alpha Wolf, Fall From Grace

Turns out Archer decided to show up at a depot. Riley is ordered back but Heller has a different plan. Time to hunt down Archer for some answers. Head to 672, 1640 to start things up for this mission in earnest. Once at the first checkpoint, you need to consume the marked scientist to get inside. Just keep disguised and it should be very easy to sneak up and stealth consume your target. After that, just head inside the marked building.

Inside the building, you have a bonus opportunity if you can manage 2 stealth Bio-Bombs. That is easy enough as there are soldiers who make great targets. Once you start into the tanks then you need to stay in your masked form to avoid damage from the gas. After you take out all of the tanks then Archer reveals her Evolved nature to a guard and it is time for some thing different.

She will fight you with her blades. The problem here is she will call in reinforcements, a pair of Brawler reinforcements, when she has lost about a quarter of her health. Take them out for health or mass as needed. After that, just keep pounding on her. She fights as you know the Evolved do with their blades. This means lots of dodge, blocking and attacking.

When Archer reaches a quarter of health remaining, she will call in a big pack of Brawlers and send them at you. She will hop out of sight for a while and remove herself from the fight. Focus then on the Brawlers. If you have not used any of the weapons lying around, particularly the Rocket Launchers, this is a great time to break them out. A Bio-Mass Explosion will quickly kill her if you need a reprieve from the fight.

Once the fight is over, you will receive the Pack Leader Power. Follow the prompt on screen to summon and send out your own Brawlers. Go through the scene to learn how to use the the Pack. What is now known is not good. Time to move things forward with Guerra.

Fall From Grace
Head over there and a longer cutscene will run. The soldiers around the container will become Evolved, but not very clean ones. You need to take them down quickly. Use the Braweler back to dispatch the Evolved for a bonus.

Once the first part is done, head for the nearby base to the West at 650, 1268. After an encounter with Mercer, it is time to fight your first Goliath. It looks big and nasty to say the least.

First, your target is the Infected's legs. Just close the distance and go it with your favorite weapon. The only essential part of this brawl is speed. You need to keep it away from the Whitelight Depot.

Once both legs have been removes, it is time to set into the one short arm it has. It will crawl along, occasionally swiping at you. Be warned as it still can launch itself high in the area and attempt to land on you. Keep moving and start dodging like mad if it does just that.

The final part of the the battle has you going for its head. There is only one time the head seems to be vulnerable and that is after it attempts its slam attack. Whenever possible, move in immediately after and cut deep into the Goliath.

Once that battle is finished, there is a cutscene with Mercer. Unfortunately, he is very set on bringing Heller down now. After Heller finds him off, he vanishes. Break the alert to move things forward.

Guerra is being attacked when Heller calls him. Time to make a mad dash to the South to try and rescue the Good Father. Just jump, glide and dash your way there. Another cutscene will run when you make it there.