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Prototype 2 Walkthrough Mutations Part 1 – Powers

Prototype 2 Walkthrough Mutations Part 1 – Powers

Heller has a number of powers that he gains. These can only be unlocked by playing through particular story missions. All the upgrades are available shortly after the Power itself is gained. If you kill someone who offers an upgrade accidentally, do not fret. Something else will spawn with the upgrade somewhere. These do not always appear in a set location so keep an eye out for enemies with a Flexed Arm icon above their heads. Consume them to increase the Power.

Claws – Gained in “Operation Flytrap”
The claws are your first power and probably your fastest melee option. They are great against lightly armored foes. Clawing is a great way to deal with a few opponents up close. The Pounce is great when locked on and has a very long range, especially fully upgraded.

Level 1 – Tap for Swipes, Hold for Pounce
Level 2 – Claw Range increased 25%
Level 3 – Pounce Range increased
Level 4 – 25% Damage Boost

Tendrils – Gained in “Project Long Shadow”
These are your first ranged attack and are very handy. They are only mid-range without any upgrades or using the charged attack. Still, they're ability to grab something, hold it in place and smash items into what is held is priceless. Charge up the Black Hole and you will see an increased range and one of your earliest weapons against helicopters and armored vehicles.

Level 1 – Tap for Quick Attacks, Hold for Black Hole
Level 2 – Fortified Enemies can be immobilized
Level 3 – Black Hole grabs larger objects
Level 4 – 25% Damage Boost

Blade – Gained in “The White Light”
It is a fight to get this one at the end of White Light but so worth it. Once you have the Blade, it is unlikely you will really use the Claws much more. It is slower than the Claws but it has power and reach they did not. It is also a lot better against armored vehicles and foes as well.

Level 1 – Tap for Slashs, Hold for Blade Tornando
Level 2 – Blade Range increased 15%
Level 3 – Tornado gains 1 more spin
Level 4 – 25% Damage Boost

Hammerfist – Gained in “A Nest of Vipers”
This is the weapon you want to use when you need to inflict area damage. You give up a lot of speed using these weapons. If you are going against an agile foe, your best bet is to get airborne and start charging at the ground. The Smashes do area of effect damage. The Ground Spikes will move in a straight line in front of Heller and do so good damage.

Level 1 – Tap for Smashes, Hold for Ground Spikes
Level 2 – Hammerfist damage radius increased
Level 3 – Range and size of Ground Spikes increased
Level 4 – 25% Damage Boost

Whipfist – Gained in “Last Resort”
The emphasis belongs on “Whip” here. It gives Heller an extended reach and a great weapon against helicopters and other airborne foes. The basic attack is great for dealing with large grounds of weak foes. It can easily slice through weak Infected and Soldiers. It is not so good against armored foes but you have plenty of other weapons to do that with. Then again, the Long Shot is great for just that as well. It is a long range, high power attack. This is the attack to use against helicopters. Also note that while Heller has the Whipfist out he has an extended grab. This is great for grabbing those soldiers and turning them into Bio-Bombs or just eating them

Level 1 – Tap for Quick Swipes, Hold for Long Shot
Level 2 – Whipfist Range Increased
Level 3 – Longshot range increased
Level 4 – 25% Damage Boost

Shields – Gained in “Feeding Time”
Being able to block and deflect incoming attacks is something very useful. It is the second of a unique set of powers. This ability can only be leveled up through the story. The second level, introducing the Spikes, is gained in “A Nest of Vipers”.

Level 1 – Block, reflect and parry incoming attacks
Level 2 – Spikes are gained, inflicting damage when attacks are parried

Bio-Bombs: Gained in “A Maze of Blood
You can now either grab and turn people and Infected into Bombs. If done in stealth, you gain a great distract though it is obvious Heller is around. In combat, it makes any weak foe a grenade or health snack. These Bio-bombs are great for getting some area damage or for throwing at the stronger foes.

Level 1 – Bio-Bomb enabled
Level 2 – Splash Damage +25%, Impact Damage +35%
Level 3 – Splash Damage +50%, Impact Damage +50%
Level 4 – Splash Damage +100%, Impact Damage +75%
Level 5 – Splash Damage +150%, Impact Damage +125%

This is a unique power as it can only be upgraded through the Mass Evolutions available when leveling up. Be sure to immediately gain the first level of the Mass Evolutions once they are available. It is a little too easy for Heller to get knocked out of performing the Devastator at times. Its damage will improve when you increase your Mass bar. The more mass used, the more damage it does.

Pack Leader: Gained in “Alpha Wolf”
Okay, Brawlers are big and nasty Infected that only get marginally easier to tackle/kill/consume as the game goes on. Heller starts with a pair of Brawers at his beck and call. As you improve Heller's Mass evolutions then he gains the ability to summon more Brawlers to his aid.

Level 1 – Enables Pack Leader
Level 2 – Pack Health +20%, Pack Damage +10%
Level 3 – Pack Health +40%, Pack Damage +20%
Level 4 – Pack Health +60%, Pack Damage +30%
Level 5 – Pack Health +80%, Pack Damage +40%