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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 23: Can't read my...

On reaching the Residential District, you’re treated to an unpleasant surprise- the face-plated Mechon lands here, cutting you off.  Fittingly, you will find as you start to fight it that the game names it Metal Face.  As with the other Mechon, this monster is ludicrously durable, and while it does deal more damage than the other Mechon, that likely isn’t saying much if you’re well-equipped.  Unlike the other Mechon, though, Metal Face wields a number of area attacks, mostly arcs in front of it.  You’re going to want to get behind it so that you’re away from Reyn as he grabs the aggro- or if you’re piloting Reyn you’re going to want to get behind it so that you’re drawing its attacks away from your teammates.

This is a bit challenging because of how thoroughly Metal Face fills the road, but a bit of persistant moving will show that you can actually duck between the thing’s legs to get behind it, provided you’re quick enough when it’s standing still.

Initially, things seem normal as you fight the massive machine, but you’ll soon notice something strange- the Monado isn’t dealing unhindered damage to it like with the other Mechon you’ve been fighting.  Shulk also realizes this before long- while his faith in the Monado is initially unshaken, he is forced to realize that the mysterious weapon is having no effect, just as Reyn’s weapon is.

Staring at the posturing machine in disbelief, Shulk notices that a strange red glow is following paths laid into the surface of the machine, and wonders if that odd light means anything.  The three fighters keep trying anyways, but this time Metal Face lashes out accurately, tossing Reyn and Dunban aside and sending Shulk tumbling to the ground.  Some sort of electrical energy crackles across the blond as he lays there gripping the Monado, apparently unable to rise.

Metal Face advances on the felled Shulk, and lifts one arm, preparing to lash out at him with five talons more than a couple of meters long- and then something slams into the middle of its back and explodes, causing the machine to stagger and lose its focus, turning to face the new threat- Fiora, piloting the Mobile Artillery.