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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 31: Three-star/Post-Mechon Quests

Regular Quests

Cheryl: Cheryl’s son left to find the Bionis’ head.  Please find three of his possessions to bring back to her.
Rewards: 4500g, 1500 xp, Bomber Lancer

Francoise: Francoise’s flowers were crushed in the Mechon attack.  Please bring her 5 Dawn Hydrangea.
Rewards: 750g, 100xp, Soil Gauntlets

Suzanna: Get two Bunniv Iron to tie her son’s feet down with so he’ll do his homework (?!?)
Rewards: 1500g, 300xp, Ranger Cap

Emmy Leater: Defeat 5 Wind Vang in Tephra Cave to help her one-man regiment on its task.
Rewards: 1100g, 180xp, Ether Def Up III (and an all-you-can-eat dinner)

Liliana: Find something interesting in the Agora Shore cave.
Rewards: 4000g, 500xp, Swimming Oil

Affinity Quests

Sesame: Sesame is planning something suspicious.  Bring him 2 Croaking Brog Bag and keep an eye out.  Then go see Betty and get something to bring back to him.
Rewards: 1000g, 150xp, Critical Up II

Sesame: You still don’t know what the plan is.  Bring Sesame 2 Iron Krabble Shell and keep an eye out.  Then go see Kenny Rohan and get something to bring back to Sesame.
Rewards: 1500g, 200xp, Strength Up II

Sesame -again-: Kill Dark Murakmor atop Anti-Air Battery III near the Residential District.
Rewards: 5000g, 1200xp, Attack Stability II

Giorgio: Giorgio is overworking himself!  Either find a way to get him to relax or talk to one of his relatives. (Monado Flash!: Giorgio passed out next to his curry stand.)
OPTION A: Talk to Giorgio.  Bring him 3 Armu Milk.
Rewards: 3000g, 300xp, HP Up II
OPTION B (Recommended: High-Affinity option): Talk to Paola, bring her 3 Insanity Mint, talk to Giorgio, then return to Paola.
Rewards: 3000g, 300xp, Ether Defence Up II, Change Affinity (Paola=Giorgio Increase)

Leopold: Leopold owes King Squeeze a good bit of money and Squeeze is calling it due.  The pressure is stifling Leopold’s creativity and keeping him from working to earn the money.  Go see King Squeeze and object to his methods.  Then talk to either Leopold or Sylviane.
OPTION A (Recommended: First opportunity to maximize an Affinity): Tell Leopold what Sylviane is doing.  Get 5 Caterpile Poison, talk to King Squeeze, then talk to Leopold.
Rewards: 2500g, 500xp, Ranger Shoes, Change Affinity (Leopold=Sylviane maximum), Change Affinity (King Squeeze=Leopold minimum)
OPTION B: Press Sylviane for information.  Go find King Squeeze’s orders on the base of Colony 9 beneath Central Square.  Show King Squeeze’s orders to King Squeeze.
Rewards: 2500g, 500xp, Quark Boots, Change Affinity (Leopold=Sylviane Decrease)

Monica & Andreas (Limited-time quest!  If you progress the story too far before completing it, it won't be available any longer.): Monica wants Erik to go steady with her.  To accomplish this, she wants a Tephra Drop from the Spring of Grief (at night only) to give to him. 
Monado Flash!: Eric isn’t interested in Monica specifically, and plans to dump her when he gets bored.  Andreas is also worrying about her.
Andreas wants to catch Monica’s attention so he can propose to her.  To accomplish this, he wants a Tephra Drop from the Spring of Grief to give to her.
Monado Flash: Monica, unsatisfied, is standing in Lookout Park over the Colony and wondering why she wanted to go steady.
OPTION A: Bring a Tephra Drop to Monica.
Rewards: 1200g, 300xp, Soil Gear, Change Affinity (Monica=Erik Increase? To ‘Mutual Love?’.), Change Affinity (Andreas=Monica Decrease), Monica seems happy but coworkers are unhappy with her and Erik isn’t getting any research done due to distraction.  Andreas seems okay.
OPTION B (Recommended, most happiness): Bring a Tephra Drop to Andreas.
Rewards: 1200g, 300xp, Soil Boots, Change Affinity (Monica=Erik Decrease), Change Affinity (Andreas=Monica Maximum), Monica and Andreas are clearly happy and Erik seems relieved, but annoyed that he’s going to have to catch another girl.