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Diablo 3 Monk Skill Tree



Fists of Thunder (Level 1)
Generate: 6 Spirit per attack
Unleash a series of extremely fast punches that deal 110% weapon damage as Lightning. Every third hit deals damage to all enemies in front of you and knocks them back a short distance. Generates Spirit faster than other Spirit-generating skills due to the high attack speed.

Skill Runes:
Lvl 6 Thunderclap
Teleport to the target and release an electric shockwave with every punch that hits all enemies within 6 yards of your primary target for 35% weapon damage as Lightning.
Lvl 14 Lightning Flash
Increases your chance to Dodge by 16% for 2 seconds.
Lvl 30 Static Charge
Your primary target is charged with static electricity for 5 seconds and takes 37% weapon damage as Lightning when you attack other enemies with Fists of Thunder.
Lvl 42 Quickening
Critical Hits generate an additional 15 Spirit.
Lvl 52 Bounding Light
Every third punch releases chain lightning instead of knocking enemies back. Each lightning strike inflicts 73% weapon damage as Lightning.

Deadly Reach (Level 3)
Generate: 6 Spirit per attack
Project lines of pure force over a short distance for 110% weapon damage. Every third hit extends 25 yards.

Lvl 9 Piercing Trident
Increases the area of effect of the second and third strikes.
Lvl 18 Keen Eye
The third strike increases your Armor by 50% for 4 seconds.
Lvl 34 Scattered Blows
The third strike is replaced with an attack that will hit up to 6 nearby enemies within 15 yards for 170% weapon damage as Lightning.
Lvl 47 Strike from Beyond
Critical Hits generate an additional 10 Spirit.
Lvl 54 Foresight
The third strike increases the damage of all attacks by 18% for 30 seconds.

Crippling Wave (Level 11)
Generate: 6 Spirit per attack
Unleash a series of large sweeping attacks that cause 110% weapon damage to all enemies in front of you. Every third hit damages all enemies around you and dazes them, slowing their movement speed by 30% and attack speed by 20% for 3 seconds.

Lvl 17 Mangle
Increase damage to 143% weapon damage.
Lvl 26 Concussion
Enemies hit by Crippling Wave inflict 20% less damage for 3 seconds.
Lvl 26 Rising Tide
Critical Hits generate an additional 5 Spirit.
Lvl 51 Tsunami
The range of Crippling Wave's third strike is increased to 17 yards and the effect of the movement speed reduction is increased to 60%.
Lvl 57 Breaking Wave
Enemies hit by Crippling Wave take 10% additional damage from all attacks for 3 seconds.

Way of the Hundred Fists (Level 15)
Generate: 6 Spirit per attack
Unleash a rapid series of punches that strikes enemies for 140% weapon damage.

Lvl 24 Hands of Lightning
Increases the number of hits in the second strike from 7 to 10.
Lvl 32 Blazing Fists
Critical Hits increase your attack speed and movement speed by 5% for 5 seconds. This effect can stack up to 3 times.
Lvl 40 Fists of Fury
Affected targets will take an additional 10% weapon damage per second as Holy for 5 seconds. Also adds a short dash to the first strike.
Lvl 48 Spirited Salvo
Every activation of the skill has a 15% chance to generate 15 additional Spirit.
Lvl 60 Windforce Flurry
The third strike generates a wave of wind that deals 250% weapon damage as Physical to enemies directly ahead of you.


Lashing Tail Kick (Level 2)
Cost: 30 Spirit
Unleash a deadly roundhouse kick that knocks enemies back and deals 200% weapon damage.

Lvl 7 Vulture Claw Kick
Release a torrent of fire that burns nearby enemies for 220% weapon damage as Fire and causes Knockback.
Lvl 15 Sweeping Armada
Increases Knockback distance by 150% and slows the movement speed of struck enemies by 60% for 2 seconds.
Lvl 28 Spinning Flame Kick
Hurl a column of fire that burns through enemies, causing 240% weapon damage as Fire to each enemy it strikes.
Lvl 38 Scorpion Sting
Enemies have a 50% chance to be stunned for 1.5 seconds instead of being knocked back.
Lvl 52 Hand of Ytar
Attack enemies at long range, slowing the movement speed of affected targets by 80% for 2 seconds.

Tempest Rush (Level 5)
Cost: 15 Spirit plus an additional 10 Spirit while channeling
Charge directly through your enemies, knocking them back and hobbling them, slowing their movement by 60% for 2 seconds. Also deals 50% weapon damage while running.

Lvl 11 Northern Breeze
Reduces the channeling cost of Tempest Rush to 8 Spirit.
Lvl 20 Tailwind
Increases the movement speed of Tempest Rush by 25%.
Lvl 33 Flurry
Increases the potency of the hobbling effect, slowing enemy movement by 80%.
Lvl 45 Slipstream
Reduces damage taken while running by 25%.
Lvl 56 Bluster
Enemies knocked back have their damage reduced by 20% for the duration of the effect.

Wave of Light (Level 12)
Cost: 75 Spirit
Focuses a wave of light that crushes enemies for 215% weapon damage as Holy, followed by an additional 45% weapon damage as Holy to all enemies in a line.

Lvl 18 Wall of Light
Increases damage of the initial strike to 312% weapon damage as Holy.
Lvl 25 Explosive Light
Release bursts of energy that deal 285% weapon damage as Holy to nearby enemies.
Lvl 35 Empowered Wave
Reduces the cost of Wave of Light to 40 Spirit.
Lvl 49 Blinding Light
Critical Hits Stun enemies for 3 seconds.
Lvl 57 Pillar of the Ancients
Summon an ancient pillar that deals 210% weapon damage followed by an additional 210% weapon damage after 2 seconds.



Blinding Flash (Level 4)
Cost: 10 Spirit
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Create a flash of light that blinds all enemies within 20 yards for 3 seconds. Elite enemies recover faster, but suffer a 30% chance to miss with attacks.

Lvl 12 Self Reflection
Increases the duration enemies are blinded to 4 seconds.
Lvl 19 Blinded and Confused
Blinded enemies have a 25% chance to attack each other.
Lvl 28 Blinding Echo
6 seconds after using Blinding Flash, a second flash of light will blind enemies within 20 yards for 0.5 seconds.
Lvl 41 Searing Light
Increases the chance elite enemies will miss attacks to 60%.
Lvl 55 Faith in the Light
For 3 seconds after using Blinding Flash, all of your attacks are empowered to deal 30% additional weapon damage as Holy.

Breath of Heaven (Level 8)
Cost: 25 Spirit
Cooldown: 15 seconds
A blast of divine energy heals you and all allies within 12 yards for 6202 - 7442 Life.

Lvl 14 Circle of Scorn
Breath of Heaven also sears enemies for 80% weapon damage as Holy.
Lvl 21 Circle of Life
Increases the healing power of Breath of Heaven to 8063 - 9675 Life.
Lvl 32 Blazing Wrath
Breath of Heaven increases the damage of your attacks by 15% for 45 seconds.
Lvl 44 Infused with Light
Gain 6 additional Spirit from Spirit Generator attacks for 5 seconds after using Breath of Heaven.
Lvl 59 Penitent Flame
Enemies exposed to Breath of Heaven run away in Fear for 1.5 seconds.

Serenity (Level 16)
Cost: 10 Spirit
Cooldown: 20 seconds
You are enveloped in a protective shield that absorbs all incoming damage for 3 seconds and grants immunity to all control impairing effects.

Lvl 23 Peaceful Repose
When activated, Serenity heals you for 6202 - 7752 Life.
Lvl 29 Reap What Is Sown
When Serenity ends, the shield explodes, dealing 30% of the damage absorbed by Serenity as Holy damage to enemies within 20 yards. The damage to each enemy cannot exceed 100% of your maximum Life.
Lvl 39 Tranquility
Extends the protective shield to allies within 45 yards for 2 seconds, and makes them immune to control impairing effects like Slow and Frozen.
Lvl 47 Ascension
Increases the duration of Serenity to 4 seconds.
Lvl 54 Instant Karma
While Serenity is active, 50% of all projectiles and melee attacks are reflected back at the attacker.

Inner Sanctuary (Level 22)
Cost: 30 Spirit
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Create a runic circle of protection on the ground for 5 seconds that cannot be passed by enemies.

Lvl 26 Safe Haven
You and your allies standing in the area of effect of Inner Sanctuary regenerate 1550 Life per second.
Lvl 31 Sanctified Ground
When Inner Sanctuary expires, it becomes sanctified ground for 6 seconds, slowing the movement of all enemies that move through it by 60%.
Lvl 37 Consecration
Increases the duration of Inner Sanctuary to 7 seconds.
Lvl 43 Circle of Protection
You and your allies standing in the area of effect of Inner Sanctuary take 35% less damage.
Lvl 58 Forbidden Palace
You and your allies standing in the area of effect of Inner Sanctuary deal 10% additional damage.


Dashing Strike (Level 9)
Cost: 25 Spirit
Quickly dash at the targeted enemy or location, striking for 100% weapon damage and rooting the target for 1 second.

Lvl 15 Way of the Falling Star
After striking an enemy, your movement speed is increased 25% for 3 seconds.
Lvl 23 Flying Side Kick
Perform a flying kick that has a 50% chance to Stun your target for 2 seconds.
Lvl 32 Quicksilver
Reduces the cost of Dashing Strike to 10 Spirit.
Lvl 39 Soaring Skull
Launch yourself through the air and slow all enemies along your path by 60% for 2 seconds.
Lvl 49 Blinding Speed
Receive a 20% increased chance to Dodge for 3 seconds.

Exploding Palm (Level 13)
Cost: 40 Spirit
Cause a target to Bleed for 220% weapon damage as Physical over 3 seconds. If the target dies while bleeding, it explodes and deals 30% of the target's maximum Life as Physical damage to all nearby enemies.

Lvl 18 The Flesh is Weak
Also causes the target to take 12% additional damage for 3 seconds.
Lvl 25 Strong Spirit
If the target explodes after bleeding, gain 5 Spirit for each enemy caught in the blast.
Lvl 36 Creeping Demise
Also reduces your target's movement speed by 80%.
Lvl 44 Impending Doom
Increases the duration of the Bleed effect to deal 220% weapon damage as physical over 6 seconds.
Lvl 51 Essence Burn
Instead of bleeding, the target will burn for 250% weapon damage as Fire every second over 3 seconds. If the target dies while burning, it explodes causing all nearby enemies to burn for 60% weapon damage as Fire over 3 seconds. This effect can happen multiple times.

Sweeping Wind (Level 21)
Cost: 75 Spirit
Surround yourself in a vortex that continuously deals 15% weapon damage to all enemies within 10 yards. The vortex lasts 6 seconds and is refreshed each time you strike an enemy with a melee attack. Landing a Critical Hit has a chance to increase the vortex effect up to 2 times for a total of 45% weapon damage to nearby enemies.

Lvl 27 Master of Wind
Increases the duration of the vortex to 10 seconds.
Lvl 33 Blade Storm
Intensify the vortex, increasing the damage per stack to 20% weapon damage. This increases the damage with 3 stacks to 60% weapon damage.
Lvl 38 Fire Storm
Increases the radius of the vortex to 14 yards and changes the damage dealt to Fire.
Lvl 46 Inner Storm
As long as your vortex is at the maximum stack count, you gain 3 Spirit per second.
Lvl 56 Cyclone
While your vortex is at the maximum stack count, Critical Hits have a chance to spawn a lightning tornado that periodically electrocutes nearby enemies for 20% weapon damage as Lightning. Each spawned lightning tornado lasts 3 seconds.


Cyclone Strike (Level 14)
Cost: 50 Spirit
Pull all enemies within 24 yards towards you, followed by a furious blast of energy that deals 100% weapon damage as Holy.

Lvl 21 Eye of the Storm
Reduces the Spirit cost of Cyclone Strike to 30 Spirit.
Lvl 25 Implosion
Increases the distance enemies will be pulled towards you to 34 yards.
Lvl 34 Sunburst
Changes the blast into an explosion of fire that has a 25% chance to Fear enemies for 2.0 seconds.
Lvl 41 Wall of Wind
After using Cyclone Strike, gain a 20% chance to dodge attacks for 3 seconds.
Lvl 55 Soothing Breeze
Cyclone Strike heals you and all allies within 24 yards for 1240 Life.

Seven Sided Strike (Level 17)
Cost: 50 Spirit
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Dash rapidly between nearby enemies, dealing 777% weapon damage over 7 hits.

Lvl 23 Sudden Assault
Teleport to the target, increasing damage done to 1007% weapon damage over 7 strikes.
Lvl 29 Several-Sided Strike
Increases the number of strikes to 9.
Lvl 37 Pandemonium
Enemies hit by Seven-Sided Strike have a 25% chance to be stunned for 7 seconds by each hit.
Lvl 43 Sustained Attack
Lvl 60 Reduces the cooldown of Seven-Sided Strike by 7 seconds.
Fulminating Onslaught
Each strike explodes, dealing 111% weapon damage as Holy in a 7 yard radius around the target.

Mystic Ally (Level 22)
Cost: 25 Spirit
Summon a mystic ally to fight alongside you until it is destroyed. The ally deals 40% of your weapon damage as Physical per swing.

Lvl 27 Water Ally
Imbue the ally with the essence of water. The ally gains the ability to perform a wave attack that deals 120% of your weapon damage as Physical and slows the movement of affected targets by 30% for 2 seconds.
Lvl 31 Fire Ally
Imbue the ally with the essence of fire. The ally gains the ability to unleash a flaming kick for 80% weapon damage as Fire plus an additional 40% of your weapon damage per second as Fire for 2 seconds to all enemies in a straight line.
Lvl 39 Air Ally
Imbue the ally with the essence of air. Every attack made by the ally has a 2% chance to generate 100 Spirit for you. In addition, the ally is surrounded in a torrent of wind that deals 10% of your weapon damage per second as Physical to all nearby enemies.
Lvl 46 Eternal Ally
Imbue the ally with the essence of life. When the ally dies, it has a 50% chance to be reborn after 5 seconds. In addition, the physical damage of the ally's basic attack is increased to 44% of your weapon damage per swing.
Lvl 53 Earth Ally
Imbue the ally with the essence of earth. Maximum Life for you and the ally is increased by 10%. The ally also gains the ability to create a wave of earth, dealing 60% of your weapon damage as Physical to a single enemy and forcing that enemy to attack the ally for 3 seconds.


Mantra of Evasion (Level 19)
Cost: 50 Spirit
Recite a Mantra that grants you and your allies within 40 yards a 15% chance to dodge attacks for 3 minutes.For 3 seconds after activation, a second effect grants an additional 15% chance to dodge attacks.
This is a Mantra. You can only have one Mantra active at a time.

Lvl 24 Hard Target
Mantra of Evasion also increases Armor by 20%.
Lvl 33 Divine Protection
Each target can be protected at most once every 90 seconds by this effect.
Lvl 40 Wind through the Reeds
Mantra of Evasion also increases movement speed by 5%.
Lvl 50 Perseverance
Mantra of Evasion also reduces the duration of all control impairing effects like Slow or Frozen by 20%.
Lvl 58 Backlash
Successfully dodging an attack has a chance to create a burst of flame dealing 35% weapon damage as Fire to all nearby enemies.

Mantra of Retribution (Level 21)
Cost: 50 Spirit
Recite a Mantra that causes you and your allies within 40 yards to reflect melee damage back at enemies, dealing Holy damage equal to 40% of the damage sustained. The effect lasts for 3 minutes.For 3 seconds after activation, the effect on you increases to 80% of the damage sustained.

Lvl 28 Retaliation
Increases the amount of damage reflected by the Mantra to 60%. The Mantra will now reflect ranged damage as well as melee damage.
Lvl 36 Transgression
Increases attack speed for you and your allies by 8%.
Lvl 41 Indignation
When taking damage from the Mantra of Retribution, enemies have a 10% chance to be stunned for 2 seconds.
Lvl 56 Against All Odds
When reflecting damage done to you, Mantra of Retribution has a chance to restore 3 Spirit.
Lvl 59 Collateral Damage
An attacker that is damaged by Mantra of Retribution has a 30% chance to suffer a feedback blast, dealing 45% weapon damage as Holy to itself and nearby enemies.

Mantra of Healing (Level 26)
Cost: 50 Spirit
Recite a Mantra that causes you and your allies within 40 yards to gain increased Life regeneration by 310 Life per second. The Mantra lasts 3 minutes.For 3 seconds after activation, the effect is increased to 1240.4 Life per second.

Lvl 31 Sustenance
Increases the Life regeneration granted by Mantra of Healing to 620 Life per second.
Lvl 38 Circular Breathing
Mantra of Healing also regenerates 3 Spirit per second.
Lvl 42 Boon of Protection
Mantra of Healing shrouds you and your allies with a mystical shield for 2 seconds that absorbs up to 15% of each target's maximum Life in damage.
Lvl 48 Heavenly Body
Mantra of Healing also increases Vitality by 10%.
Lvl 53 Time of Need
Mantra of Healing also increases resistances to all damage types by 20%.

Mantra of Conviction (Level 30)
Cost: 50 Spirit
Recite a Mantra that causes all enemies within 20 yards of you to take 12% additional damage. The Mantra lasts 3 minutes.For 3 seconds after activation, the effect is increased to 24% additional damage.

Lvl 35 Overawe
Increases the strength of Mantra of Conviction so that enemies take 24% additional damage and 48% for the first 3 seconds.
Lvl 44 Intimidation
Enemies affected by Mantra of Conviction deal 10% less damage.
Lvl 47 Dishearten
Slows the movement of enemies within 20 yards by 30%.
Lvl 55 Reclamation
You and your allies have a 30% chance to be healed for 279 - 341 Life when using melee attacks on an enemy under the effects of Mantra of Conviction.
Lvl 60 Submission
Enemies affected by Mantra of Conviction take 12% weapon damage per second as Holy.


Level 10 Fleet Footed
Increases movement speed by 10%.
Level 10
Damage you deal reduces enemy damage by 25% for 2.5 seconds.
Level 13
The Guardians Path
While dual-wielding, you gain a 15% chance to dodge incoming attacks. While using a two-handed weapon, all Spirit generation is increased by 25%.
Level 16
Every point of Spirit spent heals you for 62.0 Life.
Level 20
Chant of Resonance
Duration of all Mantras increased by 7 minutes. While one of your Mantras is active you gain 2 Spirit every second.
Level 20
Seize the Initiative
Your Armor is increased by 100% of your Dexterity.
Level 24
Exalted Soul
Increases maximum Spirit by 100.Spirit fuels your defensive and offensive abilities.
Level 27
Sixth Sense
Your dodge chance is increased by an amount equal to 30% of your Critical Hit Chance.
Level 30
While you are under a Stun, Fear or Charm effect, all damage taken is reduced by 75%.
Level 35
Beacon of Ytar
Reduces all cooldowns by 15%.
Level 40
Guiding Light
Whenever you use a direct heal skill on another player you and the other player deal 16% more damage for 15 seconds.
Level 45
One With Everything
Your resistance to all elements is equal to your highest elemental resistance.
Level 50
Combination Strike
Each different Spirit Generator ability you use increases your damage by 8% for 3 seconds.
Level 58
Near Death Experience
When receiving fatal damage, you are instead restored to 35% of maximum Life and 35% Spirit.This effect cannot occur more than once every 90 seconds.