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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 46: Where There's Smoke...

When Shulk and Reyn approach the site of the smoke, they find not a campsite nor a barbecue, but a strange three-wheeled buggy.  This odd vehicle looks to have been abandoned here when the motor cooked off somehow- smoke is rising from the engine area of the thing.  Shulk notes that the buggy is a new one- not just-purchased new, but certainly in far too good condition to be outright abandoned for being run down.  With how unlikely its abandonment is, that raises the question of what has happened to the buggy’s driver.

Shulk moves to the vehicle to examine it more closely, but when he touches it, he gets a Monado Flash- A preteen boy, running from a pair of especially large Armun.  The monsters tower menacingly over him and he falls to the ground, unable to run fast enough to escape them and apparently more than a little worn out.

Turning to Reyn in alarm, Shulk exclaims over the kid- to which Reyn’s immediate response is the question of where the kid could be.  Shulk, unfortunately, doesn’t know the area and can only say that what’s happening is somewhere ‘near water’.

Reyn is a bit confused by this- it doesn’t make sense to him that Shulk would have a vision about this.  After a moment’s thought, Shulk suggests that the vision may have been brought on by the buggy itself.  Accepting this, Reyn insists that the two should search for the boy.

Following the flag that this puts on the minimap leads you far to the North end of the field, a bit towards the west, where there’s a small lake that has several odd columns protruding from the water.  It is here that the two travelers can spot the fallen boy, over whom the two overlarge Armun loom, rearing and bellowing menacingly.  Reyn and Shulk immediately rush in, getting between the kid and the monsters.  Reyn asks him how he is, but the boy only makes some confused noises.  Deciding to leave it for now, the redhead shouts for the boy to get away- the two will handle these creatures more easily without someone to protect.

This fight is fairly simple- Reyn has an easy time maintaining aggro, and while they’re physically huge, the creatures aren’t too terribly powerful.  Their size makes using Shulk’s rear attack Art a bit difficult, though the side-attack ones come off easily enough.  Damage is relatively negligible though- if Reyn and Shulk are level 18 or so, which they likely should be if you’ve been completing all your quests and such, even Shulk can easily handle the full attention of one of the beasts without getting badly hurt.