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Diablo 3 Witch Doctor Skill Tree



Poison Dart (Level 1)
Cost: 10 Mana
Shoot a deadly Poison Dart that deals 100% weapon damage as Poison and an additional 40% weapon damage as Poison over 2 seconds.

Skill Runes:
Lvl 6 Splinters
Shoot 3 Poison Darts that deal 60% weapon damage as Poison each.
Lvl 13 Numbing Dart
Toxins in the Poison Dart reduce the target's movement speed by 60% for 2 seconds.
Lvl 25 Spined Dart
Gain 24 Mana every time a Poison Dart hits an enemy.
Lvl 43 Flaming Dart
Ignite the dart so that it deals 160% weapon damage as Fire at once.
Lvl 52 Snake to the Face
Transform your Poison Dart into a snake that has a 30% chance to Stun the enemy for 1.5 seconds.

Corpse Spiders (Level 3)
Cost: 5 Mana
Throw a jar with 4 spiders that attack nearby enemies for 16% weapon damage as Physical before dying.

Lvl 9 Leaping Spiders
Summon jumping spiders that leap up to 25 yards to reach their target and attack for 19% weapon damage as Physical.
Lvl 18 Spider Queen
Summon a spider queen that births spiderlings, dealing 16% weapon damage as poison to enemies in the area.
Lasts 15 seconds
You may only have one spider queen summoned at a time.
Lvl 33 Widowmakers
Summon widowmaker spiders that return 3 Mana to you per hit.
Lvl 45 Medusa Spiders
Summon paralyzing spiders that have a 25% chance to Slow enemies' movement by 60% with every attack.
Lvl 55 Blazing Spiders
Summon fire spiders that deal 21% weapon damage as Fire.

Plague of Toads (Level 11)
Cost: 34 Mana
Release a handful of toads that deal 130% weapon damage as Poison to enemies they come in contact with.

Lvl 17 Explosive Toads
Mutate to fire bullfrogs that explode for 169% weapon damage as Fire.
Lvl 24 Toad of Hugeness
Summon a giant toad that swallows enemies whole for up to 5 seconds, digesting for 20% of your weapon damage per second as Physical. Adds a 5 second cooldown to Plague of Toads.
Lvl 35 Rain of Toads
Cause toads to rain from the sky that deal 130% weapon damage as Poison to enemies in the area over 2 seconds.
Lvl 51 Addling Toads
Mutate to yellow frogs that deal 130% weapon damage as Poison and have a 15% chance to Confuse affected enemies for 4 seconds.
Lvl 54 Toad Affinity
Removes the Mana cost of Plague of Toads.

Firebomb (Level 21)
Cost: 10 Mana
Lob an explosive skull that deals 85% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within 8 yards.

Lvl 28 Flash Fire
Rather than exploding for area damage, each Firebomb can bounce to up to 6 additional targets. Damage is reduced by 15% per bounce.
Lvl 31 Roll the Bones
Allows the skull to bounce up to 2 times.
Lvl 38 Fire Pit
The explosion creates a pool of fire that deals 8% weapon damage per second as Fire for 3 seconds.
Lvl 47 Pyrogeist
Create a column of flame that spews fire at the closest enemy for 140% weapon damage as Fire over 3 seconds.
Lvl 60 Ghost Bomb
In addition to the base explosion, the skull creates a larger blast that deals an additional 20% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within 28 yards.


Grasp of the Dead (Level 2)
Cost: 122 Mana
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Ghoulish hands reach out from the ground, slowing enemy movement by 60% and dealing 20% weapon damage as Physical for 8 seconds.

Lvl 7 Unbreakable Grasp
Increases the Slow amount to 80%.
Lvl 15 Groping Eels
Increases the damage done to 26% weapon damage as Physical.
Lvl 25 Death Is Life
Enemies who die while in the area of Grasp of the Dead have a 5% chance to produce a health globe.
Lvl 28 Desperate Grasp
Reduces the cooldown of Grasp of the Dead to 6 seconds.
Lvl 53 Rain of Corpses
Corpses fall from the sky, dealing 80% weapon damage as Physical over 8 seconds to nearby enemies.

Firebats (Level 5)
Cost: 122 Mana
Call forth a swarm of fiery bats to burn enemies in front of you for 150% weapon damage as Fire.

Lvl 11 Dire Bats
Summon fewer but larger bats that travel up to 40 yards and hit for 220% weapon damage as Fire.
Vampire Bats
Lvl 19 Gain 2.5% of damage done by the bats as Life.
Lvl 29 Plague Bats
Diseased bats fly towards the enemy and infect them. Damage is slow at first, but can increase over time to a maximum of 225% weapon damage as Poison.
Lvl 45 Hungry Bats
Rapidly summon bats that seek out nearby enemies for 280% weapon damage as Fire.
Lvl 56 Cloud of Bats
Call forth a swirl of bats that damage nearby enemies for 195% weapon damage as Fire. The damage of the bats increases by 10% every second, up to a maximum of 50%.

Haunt (Level 12)
Cost: 98 Mana
Haunt an enemy with a spirit, dealing 575% weapon damage as Arcane over 12 seconds. If the target dies, the spirit will haunt another nearby enemy.

Consuming Spirit
The spirit returns 155 Life per second.
Resentful Spirit
Summon a vengeful spirit that does 288% weapon damage as Arcane over 2 seconds.
Lingering Spirit
If there are no targets left, the spirit will linger for up to 10 seconds looking for new enemies.
Grasping Spirit
Slow the movement of haunted targets by 30%.
Draining Spirit
The spirit returns 10.2 Mana per second.

Locust Swarm (Level 21)
Cost: 196 Mana
Unleash a plague of locusts that swarms an enemy, dealing 360% weapon damage as Poison over 8 seconds. The locusts will jump to additional nearby enemies.

Lvl 27 Pestilence
Locust Swarm has a 100% chance to jump to two additional targets instead of one.
Lvl 33 Devouring Swarm
Gain 37 Mana for every enemy affected by the swarm.
Lvl 37 Cloud of Insects
Increases the duration of the swarm to 10 seconds.
Lvl 42 Diseased Swarm
Enemies killed by Locust Swarm leave behind a cloud of locusts that deal 25% weapon damage as Poison. This cloud of locusts lingers for 3 seconds.
Lvl 59 Searing Locusts
Engulf the target with burning locusts that deal 468% weapon damage as Fire over 8 seconds.



Summon Zombie Dogs (Level 4)
Cost: 49 Mana
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Summon 3 Zombie Dogs from the depths to fight by your side. Each dog deals 9% of your weapon damage as Physical per hit.

Lvl 12 Rabid Dogs
Your Zombie Dogs gain an infectious bite that deals 9% of your weapon damage as Poison over 3 seconds.
Lvl 19 Final Gift
Your Zombie Dogs have a 15% chance to leave behind a health globe when they die.
Lvl 28 Life Link
Your Zombie Dogs absorb 10% of all damage done to you.
Lvl 40 Burning Dogs
Your Zombie Dogs burst into flames, burning nearby enemies for 2% of your weapon damage as Fire.
Lvl 54 Leeching Beasts
Your Zombie Dogs gain 50% of damage they deal as Life, half of which heals you.

Horrify (Level 8)
Cost: 37 Mana
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Don a spectral mask that horrifies all enemies within 12 yards, causing them to run in Fear for 4 seconds.

Lvl 14 Phobia
Increases the duration horrified enemies run in Fear to 6 seconds.
Lvl 21 Stalker
Increases movement speed by 20% for 4 seconds after casting Horrify.
Lvl 34 Face of Death
Increases the radius of Horrify to 24 yards.
Lvl 44 Frightening Aspect
Gain 100% additional Armor for 8 seconds after casting Horrify.
Lvl 56 Ruthless Terror
Gain 27 Mana for every horrified enemy.

Spirit Walk (Level 16)
Cost: 49 Mana
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Leave your physical body and enter the spirit realm for 2 seconds. While in the spirit realm, your movement is unhindered.Your link to the spirit realm will end if your physical body sustains 50% of your maximum Life in damage.

Lvl 23 Jaunt
Increases the duration of Spirit Walk to 3 seconds.
Lvl 29 Honored Guest
Gain 15% of your maximum Mana every second while Spirit Walk is active.
Lvl 38 Umbral Shock
When Spirit Walk ends, your physical body erupts for 85% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within 10 yards.
Lvl 47 Severance
Damage enemies you walk through in spirit form for 100% weapon damage as Physical.
Lvl 53 Healing Journey
Gain 7% of your maximum Life every second while Spirit Walk.

Hex (Level 22)
Cost: 49 Mana
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Summon a Fetish Shaman for 12 seconds that will hex enemies into chickens. Hexed enemies are unable to perform offensive actions and take 10% additional damage.

Lvl 26 Hedge Magic
The Fetish Shaman will periodically heal allies for 1861 Life.
Lvl 31 Jinx
Hexed targets take 20% additional damage.
Lvl 36 Angry Chicken
Transform into an angry chicken for up to 5 seconds that can explode for 215% weapon damage as Physical to all enemies within 12 yards.
Lvl 43 Painful Transformation
Hex causes the target to Bleed for 12% weapon damage as Physical.
Lvl 58 Unstable Form
Hexed targets explode when killed, dealing 135% weapon damage as Poison to all enemies within 8 yards.


Soul Harvest (Level 9)
Cost: 59 Mana
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Feed on the life force of up to 5 enemies within 16 yards. Gain 130 Intelligence for each affected enemy. This effect lasts 30 seconds.

Lvl 15 Swallow Your Soul
Gain 39 Mana for every enemy harvested.
Lvl 21 Siphon
Gain 2171 Life for every enemy harvested.
Lvl 32 Languish
Reduces the movement speed of harvested enemies by 60% for 3 seconds.
Lvl 39 Soul to Waste
Increase the duration of Soul Harvest's effect to 60 seconds.
Lvl 49 Vengeful Spirit
Harvested enemies also take 70% weapon damage as Physical.

Sacrifice (Level 13)
Banish your Zombie Dogs and cause them to explode, each dealing 275% of your weapon damage as Physical to all enemies within 12 yards.

Lvl 18 Black Blood
Ichor erupts from the corpses of the Zombie Dogs and Slows enemies by 60% for 8 seconds.
Lvl 24 Next of Kin
Each Zombie Dog you sacrifice has a 35% chance to resurrect as a new Zombie Dog.
Lvl 36 Pride
Regain 294 Mana for each Zombie Dog you sacrifice.
Lvl 41 For the Master
Gain 6202 Life for each Zombie Dog you sacrifice.
Lvl 51 Provoke the Pack
Each sacrificed Zombie Dog increases your damage by 5% for 30 seconds.

Mass Confusion (Level 22)
Cost: 74 Mana
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Incite paranoia in enemies, confusing them and causing some to fight for you for 12 seconds.

Lvl 26 Unstable Realm
Reduces the cooldown of Mass Confusion to 45 seconds.
Lvl 34 Devolution
Enemies killed while Confused have a 50% chance of spawning a Zombie Dog.
Lvl 43 Mass Hysteria
Up to 6 enemies who aren't Confused are Stunned for 3 seconds.
Lvl 46 Paranoia
All enemies in the area of Mass Confusion take 20% additional damage for 12 seconds.
Lvl 54 Mass Hallucination
Amid the confusion, a giant spirit rampages through enemies, dealing 22% weapon damage per second as Physical to enemies it passes through.


Zombie Charger (Level 14)
Cost: 140 Mana
Call forth a reckless, suicidal zombie that deals 205% weapon damage as Poison to all enemies in its path before decomposing.

Lvl 21 Leperous Zombie
The Zombie Charger leaves behind a cloud of noxious vapors that deals 25% weapon damage as Poison to enemies caught in it.
Lvl 27 Undeath
If the Zombie Charger kills any enemies, it will reanimate and charge nearby enemies for 205% weapon damage as Poison. This effect can repeat up to 2 times.
Lvl 33 Wave of Zombies
Summon 3 Zombie Chargers that each deal 72% weapon damage as Poison.
Lvl 42 Explosive Beast
Summon an explosive Zombie Dog that streaks toward your target before exploding, dealing 236% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within 9 yards.
Lvl 54 Zombie Bears
Summon zombie bears that stampede towards your target. Each bear deals 236% weapon damage as Poison to enemies in the area.

Spirit Barrage (Level 17)
Cost: 108 Mana
Bombard a target with a spirit blast that deals 190% weapon damage as Physical.

Lvl 23 The Spirit Is Willing
Gain 44 Mana every time Spirit Barrage hits.
Lvl 32 Well of Souls
An additional 3 spirits seek out other targets and deal 30% weapon damage as Physical.
Lvl 37 Phantasm
Summon a spectre for 5 seconds that deals 45% weapon damage as Physical to all enemies within 10 yards.
Lvl 44 Phlebotomize
Regain 3% of damage dealt with Spirit Barrage as Life.
Lvl 59 Manitou
Summon a spectre for 20 seconds that hovers over you, unleashing spirit bolts at nearby enemies for 28% weapon damage as Physical.

Acid Cloud (Level 22)
Cost: 172 Mana
Cause acid to rain down, dealing an initial 100% weapon damage as Poison, followed by 75% weapon damage as Poison over 3 seconds to enemies who remain in the area.

Lvl 26 Acid Rain
Increases the initial area of effect of Acid Cloud to 24 yards.
Lvl 30 Lob Blob Bomb
The acid on the ground forms into a slime that irradiates nearby enemies for 25% weapon damage as Poison. The slime dissipates after 5 seconds.
Lvl 39 Slow Burn
Increases the duration of the acid pools left behind to 6 seconds.
Lvl 46 Kiss of Death
Spit a cloud of acid that inflicts 110% weapon damage as Poison, followed by 82% weapon damage as Poison to enemies who remain in the area.
Lvl 55 Corpse Bomb
Raise a corpse from the ground that explodes for 200% weapon damage as Poison to enemies in the area.

Wall of Zombies (Level 28)
Cost: 103 Mana
Cooldown: 25 seconds
Raise a line of zombies from the ground that attacks nearby enemies for 80% weapon damage as Physical for 5 seconds.

Lvl 32 Barricade
Increases the width of the Wall of Zombies. The zombies will attack for 80% weapon damage as Physical.
Lvl 35 Unrelenting Grip
Your Wall of Zombies will Slow the movement of enemies by 60% for 5 seconds.
Lvl 41 Creepers
Up to 3 zombies will emerge from the ground and attack nearby enemies for 25% of your weapon damage as Physical per attack.
Lvl 49 Pile On
Summon a tower of zombies that falls over, dealing 765% weapon damage as Physical to any enemies it hits and knocks them back.
Lvl 60 Dead Rush
Zombies crawl out of the ground and run in all directions, dealing 445% weapon damage as Physical to nearby enemies.


Gargantuan (Level 19)
Cost: 147 Mana
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Summon a Gargantuan zombie to fight for you. The Gargantuan attacks for 25% of your weapon damage as Physical.

Lvl 22 Humongoid
The Gargantuan gains the Cleave ability, allowing its attacks to hit multiple targets for 32% of your weapon damage as Physical.
Lvl 29 Restless Giant
When the Gargantuan encounters an elite enemy or is near 5 enemies, it enrages for 15 seconds gaining:
20% movement speed
35% attack speed
200% Physical damage
This effect cannot occur more than once every 120 seconds.  Elite enemies include champions, rares, bosses, and other players.
Lvl 39 Wrathful Protector
Summon a more powerful Gargantuan that only lasts for 15 seconds. The Gargantuan's fists burn with fire, dealing 55% of your weapon damage as Fire and knocking enemies back.
Lvl 48 Big Stinker
The Gargantuan is surrounded by a poison cloud that deals 15% weapon damage as Poison per second to nearby enemies.
Lvl 56 Bruiser
The Gargantuan gains the ability to periodically slam enemies, dealing 100% of your weapon damage as Physical and stunning them for 3 seconds.

Big Bad Voodoo (Level 25)
Cooldown: 120 seconds
Conjure a Fetish that begins a ritual dance that increases the attack speed and movement speed of all nearby allies by 20% for 20 seconds.

Lvl 31 Jungle Drums
Increases the duration of the ritual to 30 seconds.
Lvl 37 Rain Dance
The ritual restores 122 Mana per second while standing in the ritual area.
Lvl 44 Slam Dance
The Fetish increases the damage of all nearby allies by 30%.
Lvl 50 Ghost Trance
The ritual heals all nearby allies for 5% of their maximum Life per second.
Lvl 58 Boogie Man
Enemies who die in the ritual area have a 50% chance to resurrect as a Zombie Dog.

Fetish Army (Level 30)
Cooldown: 120 seconds
Summon an army of dagger-wielding Fetishes to fight by your side for 20 seconds. The Fetishes attack for 20% of your weapon damage as Physical.

Lvl 34 Fetish Ambush
Each Fetish deals 250% weapon damage as Physical to any nearby enemy as it is summoned.
Lvl 40 Devoted Following
Decreases the cooldown of Fetish Army to 90 seconds.
Lvl 46 Legion of Daggers
Increases number of dagger-wielding Fetishes summoned by 3.
Lvl 52 Tiki Torchers
Summon an additional 2 Fetish casters who breathe fire in a cone in front of them that deals 15% of your weapon damage as Fire.
Lvl 60 Head Hunters
Summon an additional 2 Hunter Fetishes that shoot blowdarts at enemies, dealing 20% of your weapon damage as Poison.


Level 10
Circle of Life
Whenever an enemy dies within 12 yards, there is a 5% chance that a Zombie Dog will automatically emerge. The range of this effect is increased by items that increase your gold pickup radius.
Level 10
Jungle Fortitude
Reduces all damage taken by you and your pets by 20%.
Level 13
Spiritual Attunement
Maximum Mana is increased by 20%. Regenerate 1% of your maximum Mana per second. Mana is the fuel you use to cast offensive and defensive skills.
Level 16
Gruesome Feast
Whenever you are healed by a health globe, you gain 10% of your maximum Mana and 10% Intelligence for 10 seconds. The Intelligence bonus can stack up to 5 times.
Level 20
Bad Medicine
Whenever you deal Poison damage to an enemy, their damage is reduced by 20% for 3 seconds.
Level 20
Blood Ritual
15% of Mana costs are paid with Life. In addition, you regenerate 1% of your maximum Life per second.
Level 24
Zombie Handler
You can have 4 Zombie Dogs summoned at one time. The health of your Zombie Dogs and Gargantuan is increased by 20%.
Level 27
Pierce the Veil
All of your damage is increased by 20%, but your Mana costs are increased by 30%.
Level 30
Fetish Sycophants
Whenever you cast a physical realm spell, you have a 3% chance to summon a dagger-wielding Fetish to fight by your side for 60 seconds.
Physical realm spells are: Poison Dart Plague of Toads Zombie Charger Corpse Spiders Firebats Firebomb Locust Swarm Acid Cloud Wall of Zombies
Level 30
Spirit Vessel
Reduces the cooldown of your Horrify, Spirit Walk, and Soul Harvest spells by 2 seconds. In addition, the next time you receive fatal damage, you automatically enter the spirit realm for 3 seconds and heal to 10% of your maximum Life. This effect cannot occur more than once every 90 seconds.
Level 36
Rush of Essence
Spirit spells return 30% of their Mana cost over 10 seconds.
Spirit spells are: Haunt Horrify Mass Confusion Soul Harvest Spirit Barrage Spirit Walk
Level 40
Vision Quest
Any time you have 4 or more skills on cooldown, your Mana regeneration is increased by 300%.
Level 45
Fierce Loyalty
All your pets get 100% of the benefit of your Thorns and Life regeneration items.
Level 50
Grave Injustice
Whenever an enemy dies within 8 yards, regain 1% of your maximum Life and Mana and the cooldown on all of your abilities is reduced by 1 second. This range is extended by items that increase your gold pickup radius.
Level 55
Tribal Rites
The cooldowns of your Fetish Army, Big Bad Voodoo, and Hex abilities are reduced by 25%.