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Ghost Recon Future Soldier Walkthrough Part 9: Noble Tempest Part 2

As soon as you try to rescue Sykes from the shipper container in the PMC facility, two helicopters will attack you and rain down bullets outside of the shipping crate. Ghost Leader will have you and the rest of your squad enter the diamond formation in order to protect Sykes. Just as before, when you protected Paez, the diamond formation will have your team forming a barrier around the VIP and moving as one cohesive unit, effectively on rails if you will. More enemies will begin to enter the area on foot, meaning that you will have to be diligent with your sidearm in order to protect Sykes. Remember that in this sequence, you will only need one bullet to take down each enemy. During this sequence, aiming and moving will largely be automated, so just worry about the shooting.

You will soon reach a cover point from which to call in support from HQ. An air strike package is on its way, but you will need to protect Sykes for a few more seconds before it gets in range. As soon as you see the prompt onscreen, hit the action button to call the airstike down. You will now be in charge of manually aiming the missile into the helicopters. Use the right stick to aim the trajectory of the missile as it falls. Hit the area just between to two helicopters and the missile will explode in midair, taking both of the enemy vehicles out with it.

Now that the helicopters are down, you can exit diamond formation and escort Sykes to a predetermined extraction point. Follow Ghost Lead into the hangar nearby and enter the subterranean passage underneath. Before heading down into the sewer, be sure to check the ammo crate nearby to restock on ammunition for your weapons and Sensor grenades for detecting enemies in the upcoming conflict. When your are all restocked, drop down into the sewer. The sewer path is linear and free of enemies, so don’t worry about encountering foes. Instead, just run forward and follow the path ahead. Sykes will tell you that Watchgate have gotten themselves involves in a big terror plot, but he suspects that they don’t even realize how big the plot is. Sykes left his intel behind in the trunk of a car at an old gas station as the Watchgate goons captured him. You will have to head out and find it for him, but first you will have to get Sykes to the extraction point.

The extraction point will be at the end of the sewer system. Drop down into a small courtyard where all of the sewer pipes meet up. Wait here for the helicopter to come and extract Sykes. As it does, he will offer his aid in heading out to recover the intel, but the Ghosts will deny it, claiming that Sykes was the mission and his intel is now their job to recover. You have successfully protected the package, but there is still plenty of challenge left in the mission ahead. Read the next guides for instructions on finding and claiming Sykes’ intel from his abandoned car.