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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 48 – Alester – A New Hope, Part 4

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 48 – Alester – A New Hope, Part 4

Objective: “Search the town and assemble a Gold Cloaks' uniform or purchase the items from shops.”

It is an expensive choice to outright buy the Gold Cloak Uniform. Still, there are plenty of places you can go otherwise to get the same results. Head to the West and to the Market to get to a good starting point.

If you are interested in gathering the uniform by theft, head over to the back entrance of the Sarwyck manse and turn to the South. There you will find a Gold Cloak asleep. You can pinch his boots and gloves while he is asleep. This likely will not go perfectly and you will need to fight Garth. He is a Boss in Light Armor. This means plenty of health for him but nothing too bad otherwise. Just have Alester and Hardyng take him down as quickly as you can.

After that, head to the East and turn South. Keep to the left and walk out onto the Wooden Landing there. Follow it to the shaded area and you will find another Gold Cloak asleep. This one likely will go smoother. After you loot the sleeping guard, be sure to also get the barrel to the right. It has some silver.

Time for a quick detour. Head back to the street and start going to the East, keeping to the higher path. You will find a crate with a scroll on it. You will find another “Westeros Archive” and a Seal of Knowledge. This archive gives the entry for “House Matrell.”

Now head to the West a few streets. Head to the North of where you found the first guardsman. Head to the Northwest after that until you find a trio of barrels under an overhang. Loot the front barrel to find some silver. Head East and South from there. Once you pass a cart on your left, turn East and head into the house in front of you. Look on top of the dresser to find a lockbox with some silver inside it. Turn around and look to the left of the door to find a painting to look at. Doing so yields a “Westeros Archive” and a Seal of Knowledge. This archive gives the “Children of the Forest” codex entry.

Head out of the house and turn to the North, up the stairs. At the top, head over to the West to find Chataya. Talk with her and she will be relieved to see that you are free. Alester can explain more about things to her or just keep her in the dark. Either way, she will think you are crazy but will help you get the cloak anyway.

Completing this will net Alester the trait, “Resourceful.” It gives a bonus +1% to chance of bonus loot. This can only be acquired if you collect all the pieces without paying for any of them.

That completes the uniform and Alester is now free to assemble it to get inside the City Watch Tower.