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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 56 – Alester – Blood On The Sand, Part 3

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 56 – Alester – Blood On The Sand, Part 3

Fight 4: Alequo
Reward: 150 silver
He is a Boss in Light Armor. This means a cutting weapon is preferred. He will try to stun you often as well as knock you down in melee range. If you can switch out to ranged, that can put you at something of an advantage. Interrupt his attacks and try to keep on your feet. He also has a potion that will grant him invulnerability for a while. Watch for when he is drinking and attempt to interrupt that. It will ensure you stand a good chance to win the fight.

Talk with Ossifer to claim your reward for the last battle. He explains this next battle is against a pair of brothers from the Iron Islands. You will be able to choose from your past opponents who are still alive to join you in this fight. This choice is made when you accept the fight. Wyl has 2 bits of information again. 10 silver gives you that the brothers have fought side by side a long time. This means they play off each others' strengths very well. 30 silver gives you that plus that one will attack at range while the other moves into melee. You want to interrupt the archer from firing as much as possible. Be sure to also talk with Tristyfer who is nearby Ossifer. You can talk to the brothers about the Islands themselves, War on the Islands or just avoid wasting time. These 2 keep to the Old Way, meaning, they can only claim spoils through victory. It also means they will likely kill you given the chance and they expect the same.

Fight 5: The Iron Island Brothers, Boremund and Tristyfer
Reward: 1 gold, 100 silver

This is a pair of Bosses in Light Armor. Keep to Cutting Weapons to get the most out of the damage. It is best to divide and conquer here. Be sure to keep an interrupt ready for the Archer. Focus otherwise on just dishing out the most damage you can. Keep them from stunning you and your team will easily find their way to victory.

After you have collected your reward, it is time to finish things out here. Talk with Ossifer one more time. He will announce that Lucifer has returned and wishes to battle you. This is strictly a fight to the death. After that, it is time to talk with all your old opponents again. Alequo will bid you farewell and depart. Bayard and Symon will reflect on whether or not you spared your opponents. After that, it is time to talk with Wyl and see what information you can drag out of him. No need to buy a round of drinks for this one. He will reveal that no one ever figured out Lucifer's secret in the arena and everyone seems to favor him winning. Well, time to claim the title for Alester. Head down to the preparation room and restock on anything you need. Talk with Rupert and you will learn the odds are 5:1 against you. Ossifer also raised the limit to 40 stags. You can make a killing with this going all in.

Fight 6: Luicfer
Reward: At least 3 Gold
Lucifer is an Elite Boss in Heavy Armor. Pull out your blunt weapons for this fight for sure! Lucifer comes at you using a two-handed style. More than anything, if you have some Wildfire, pull it out for this fight. It will bring Lucifer's health down to a manageable point. Focus on keeping him stunned or knocked down as much as you can as well. This will keep him from dealing too much damage to you. After that, just use Wildfire or Flame Weapon and R'hllor's abilities to ensure your victory over the champion. Give him much of an opening and Alester will regret is sorely.

For completing this quest, Ossifer will reward you with 3 Gold, a huge amount of money in this game. He will reward you with plenty of money and he will leave for the Free Cities. Claim your wager from Rupert and the quest itself is complete and done.