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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 69 – Alester – Crossroads, Part 1

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 69 – Alester – Crossroads, Part 1

Objective: “Open the book Lady Marianne sent to your bedchamber.”
The chapter opens with a talk between Sarwyck and Shorei. He can ask after Lord Harlton or just complain about how much you have been resting. She will also pass you a book that Marianne was very clear to give over to you. Turn to the left and look at the book. It contains a letter from Marianne where she is asking you to join her in the cellar and to get down there discreetly.

Objective: “Marianne is waiting for you. Go to the Cellar when you are ready.”
Head on out of your room. To the right of the door is a weapon rack with a Worn Knight's shield on it. Grab it if you would like. Head to the South and East to find the stairwell down to the ground floor itself. Head down to the first door on the right and you can get out to the Ground floor itself. If visit the chambers of Maester Martin, you can talk with Ty. These are most easily accessed by going through the second door in the stairwell. There, he will explain that Maester Martin is working on writing a history of the Seven Kingdoms. He makes it clear though the following book will come out next year. Ty teases him that he says says that. Some may suspect a Stark died for this game's jab. Now, you can head to the Northeast from there get into the cellar or take a little time to explore the Courtyard.

Castlewood Courtyard
Head over to the Merchants in the Eastern part of the courtyard. You can upgrade your armor there and restock on potions as well as sell of the useless items you have gathered. Be sure to turn your attention to the Fireplace between the two: in it is 24 silver. Use the Vision of R'hllor to find it.

Castlewood Cellar
It is in the North-Northeastern part of the castle. There you will find Marianne and she explains very clearly that she is on her uncle's side and she wished to discuss this matter with you privately. You can ask after either why she wanted the privacy or why she wanted to see you. Asking after privacy, she reveals that she did not want to be overheard, then it leads into the matter she wishes to talk to you about. If you ask after what, she immediately goes into what she wants to talk to you about: her Uncle's plan. You can either express faith in her Uncle or explain things in a broader view. Both make it clear that Alester supports Harlton's plan. Expressing faith in her Uncle's plans jumps things immediately to the next question. After that, she questions the results of a failure. Alester can respond with his own concern or just show confidence in the success of the plan. Showing concern will get her to reveal what concerns she has. Expressing your confidence jumps matters to the next question.

Either way, Gawen will make an appearance at this point. Alester can respond with surprise or comment on Gawen being more dead than alive. After that, you have to choose between Gawen (it would be better to keep her quiet) or opt to trust Marianne.

Trusting Gawen
Marianne is knocked out and put into a nearby chest. Now Alester needs to attend to his brother.

Trusting Marianne
Alester and Gawen now need to fight their way through the whole castle. Just think about that. It is a long and hard battle, even with the help of your brother. It does give a great amount of experience though.