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Ghost Recon Future Soldier Walkthrough Part 15: Silent Talon Part 2

Once you have taken out the enemies in the motor pool, feel free to proceed down into its charred depths and proceed towards your new waypoint. But when you reach around the halfway point of the path to your objective, a group of vehicles will drive in to attack you. Two trucks full of infantry and an armored vehicle will keep the pressure on you, so take cover as soon as you can and hop into the viewpoint of the Warhound. Use the mortars to take out the two infantry trucks before the groups of enemy soldiers before they can dismount from the truck, making the load lighter for the firefight ahead. After you have destroyed the two infantry-bearing trucks, use the Warhound’s mortar to take out the armored vehicle and clear the path ahead.

Head towards the slope ahead after clearing out the motor pool for a second time. As you climb the slope, another vehicle will pull into view ahead and the yellow “Contact” marker will appear on the top of your HUD. As the vehicle turns its sights on you, rush to take cover behind the Warhound before entering the mech’s viewpoint again to take out the vehicle with the mortar or a guided missile. As you rush ahead towards your waypoint, you will see an enemy camp at the crest of the hill. You won’t be able to take this base in a stealthy manner, as the enemy is already aware of your presence. With this in mind, sprint forward and take cover to initiate the firefight.

Take cover by the sandbags and jump into the viewpoint of the Warhound yet again. A helicopter will sit on a helipad on the other side of the base. This should be your first target. If you don’t blow it up quickly, it can take off and rain bullets down upon you from the air, which obviously would be less than ideal for you and your team. Hit the helicopter with one mortar to disable it effectively. Once the helicopter is dealt with, hit the enemy soldiers advancing upon you from the opposite side of the battlefield. You may find yourself overheating the mortar in this section as you rain fire down upon the many advancing enemies. Keep a close eye on the heat meter as the battle progresses. Your first targets, after the helicopter of course, should be the two enemies in the sniper towers ahead. From their elevated positions, they will be able to keep you suppressed in your cover.

After you have cleared out the majority of the enemies, proceed forward from the sandbags to take cover behind the Warhound, who will have moved ahead into the base as the attack commenced. Use the cover swap feature to get there, so that you don’t risk being exposed to any remaining enemies for too long. From behind the Warhound, look out ahead to see a BTR-90 vehicle roll into the base ahead. This armored vehicle has a powerful, tank-like gun on its front end and is coated in layers of thick armor. You will want to take it out quickly. Use your guided missiles to hit the vehicle twice. Even this won’t stop the heavily armored BTR-90, which will keep the pressure up on your position. If you can safely launch off a third missile, hit it again from your current location. If your cover has been compromised, sprint from your position to a new position, even as you continue to launch mortars at the BTR-90 to keep it distracted. The vehicle should blow soon.

With the vehicle finally gone, mop up any remaining enemies using the Warhound’s mortar or your own weapons if the enemies are too close to reliably hit with a mortar without dealing damage back to yourself and your team as well. Keep killing enemies until the game notifies you that you have cleared out the area successfully. This will trigger the Warhound to automatically advance forward, towards a dock. Here you will find a boat waiting to transport you and your team, Warhound included, to the next waypoint. Stock up on ammo from the ammo crate at the end of the dock before boarding the boat and getting ready to assault the next objective, which will be a heavily-armed weapons base.