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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 102 – Alester and Mors – Light and Shadow, Part 5

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 102 – Alester and Mors – Light and Shadow, Part 5

Objective: “It's time for vengeance. Fight Valarr kill him.”
Head on up the stairs and throw the switch next to the wall. Head through the next door to trigger a cutscene with Valarr walking into the Throne Room. Alester and Mors look down on Valarr. Head back to the South a little then through the first door to the West. This will take you down to the same floor as Valarr. Approach him for one final conversation. Mors or Alester can get a final jab in before the battle begins. Be absolutely sure that someone has the Valyrian Steel Weapon equipped before this battle begins!

Valarr Hill
He has a massive amount of Health, is an Elite Boss and in Heavy Armor. He also fights with a 2-handed sword. Open with the Hound knocking him down and have both character bring the best they can against him then. Just pound away at him until he drops to half his max health.

At this point, a quick cutscene runs where Valarr summons one the Shadows to join him in the battle. Immediately have however has the Steel attack the Shadow. While their health regenerates quickly, the boost from the Steel will just rip through them. This will continue until you drain him down to one quarter life.

At this point, there is another cutscene where Mors tells Valarr the fight is over. He steps back and summons more Shadows. Now, it is very important to have someone on the Shadows. None of them count as having armor but they regain health very quickly. If the person with Valyrian Steel has fallen, then you have 2 choices: Use Wildfire or Focus on Valarr. Wildfire is the only thing in the game that does more damage than they regenerate aside from the weapon. They will also cease attacking you if you beat Valarr before they kill the survivor. Valarr's health will also return but it will drop easily enough. At this point, try to avoid letting Valarr get abilities off. They will have the Shadows drain the life of Alester or Mors, whoever is attack Valarr or summon more of them!

At the end, you will see Valarr slump down on the Iron Throne. He will also talk of what really happened to Mors' family. Mors will turn to his old friend and demand answers. The scene will fade to black and the chapter will end.