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Spec Ops: The Line Walkthrough: The Dune

You and your squad will again find yourselves trudging over the dunes in the middle of the desert. As you pass a downed helicopter, Walker, Lugo, and Adams will climb up onto a buried skyscraper with a makeshift command outpost stationed on top of it. Run to the left side of the skyscraper, near the umbrella, and turn to the right to find two enemy lookouts. Make sure that your silencer is still equipped and order one of your squad-mates to kill one of the lookouts while you handle the other. Run down the stairs. When the stairs branch off to the lower right, look down to find another enemy. Eliminate him with a headshot, and then head down the stairs. Grab some grenades from the crate ahead. The enemeis will know that you are here now.

Take cover behind the crates to the left of the fence ahead and toss a few grenades into the room ahead as the music begins to blare up. If you need more grenades, note that there is a box behind the crate, and another down below by the concrete barrier. Jump down and take cover by the concrete barrier when the room is clear, and more enemies will move in. You will need to kill the gunner, so toss another grenade over the counter to blow him up from behind. Once inside of the room, vault over the counter and shoot the several remaining enemies. Leave the counter and take cover by the low wall overlooking the clearing below. Peek over and kill the four enemies below, beginning with the two who are attempting to flee from the door in the back of the clearing. Head downstairs, restock on ammo from the bodies, and search behind the television camera to find another piece of Intel.

When you're ready, head through the door in the back of the area that the enemies were attempting to flee through. This will trigger a cutscene in which a diabolical radio DJ announces an end to some sort of cease-fire that was in effect before you got here and stirred things up. Run down the hall. An enemy will try to flee from the left side of the end of the hall. Shoot him before he can get out of the window to the left, and then take cover behind a small wall to the left. A large group of enemies will fire upon you from below, complete with one enemy behind a turret.

Order your squad to focus their fire on the turret while you mop up most of the small arms below. When the path to the turret is cleared, jump down and take cover behind the turret. Press either the A or the X button to flip the turret around and use it to eliminate any remaining enemies in the area. This will trigger another wave of enemies to advance out of the corridor to the left of the building. Hit the window of the building with the turret to send sand spilling out over them, killing them easily. A shotgunner will run out behind them. Take him out with the turret as well. When the area is clear advance around the left side of the building and hit up on the D-Pad to toggle your grenade launcher on. Sprint ahead and take cover behind the jagged chunk of concrete as an ambush begins.

Enemies will be firmly planted in the building ahead, as well as in the lobby and spilling out towards your position. Hit the enemies in the area of the second floor that lacks any windows first, as they will have RPGs that can destroy your concrete cover easily. In the event that you lose your cover, quickly sprint to Lugo and Adams behind the chunk of metal to the right and shoot the two enemies to the above right before returning your focus to the building. An enemy will be on top of the building firing down on you, and many more will occupy the second and third floors. You will simply have to hold out in this section, as a sandstorm will be coming in fast and it will mark an end to the fight.

When the ground caves out from under you, you will have to shoot two more enemies advancing from the right with your sidearm before you drop down into the hollowed-out building below, initiating the next chapter of the tale.