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Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Walkthrough Part 8 – Arkham Asylum Antics, Part 2

Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Walkthrough Part 8 – Arkham Asylum Antics, Part 2

Once those are in place then Batman can grapple up and jump down into the small L-bend area with the 2 Henchmen. Beat the henchmen down then take control of Robin again. Have him Double-Jump and grab onto the Blue bar head by the nearby statue. It will drop a large number of pieces. Assemble these to create a Suit changer for Batman. He will get his Power Suit again.

Head to the Northeast. You will notice a Shiny Silver gate. Have Batman blow it up with a bomb then have him climb up onto the top of the wall. Collect the chips then turn to the North again. There is a shiny Silver statue there. Fire a bomb at it to bring it crashing down into Catwoman's path. Just wait now for her to come by again. She will smash through a gate to the Northwest and be knocked out.

Two-Face and Crew
Head through the gate and you will start to hear henchmen beating up on a citizen. Nothing you can do for now though. Head North then West in the maze. Follow it to the corner with a shiny silver wall and to the left of that, a shiny Silver Angel statue. Blow up the Wall for chips but also the Angel statue for building pieces. Assemble the pieces to get a Ball Socket. Change to Robin, get him into his Ball and roll him into the socket. Time for a little controlled running. Run right until the Bat Sign moves to the first edge. After that, run Up to raise it. Run Right again after that to get it to the next spot. Now, run Down then Right to get the Suit Changer onto the Ground.

This Suit Changer gives Batman the Bat Suit. Now by holding “B/Circle”, Batman can destroy Clear Blue Lego pieces. Head a little to the right and destroy the archway that is nearby. It will come crashing down and will stop Two-Face and everyone with him.

Bane's Mole Machine
Head to the South and immediately to the West. In the Northwestern corner of this area, the wall below the Ball Socket, you will find a Clear Blue Wall. Use the Bat Suit on it to reveal a collectible inside. Now head to the Right, jump the rubble you created then turn to the South, to there the Mole Machine is running its circuit. Head to the Southwest, into the pit in the ground. There are some pieces that can be assembled into a Suit Changer. This one gives Batman the Power Suit. He has need of it for a short while here anyways.

Head to the South, out of the pit, then turn to the West. There is a Silver Statue you can destroy with Batman's bombs. Blast it to start a flow of water, this will be handy soon. Head over to the right and start onto the balance beam. Head North then over to the left. Jump down to the left, past the water spout. Head to the North and there is a clear blue floor that you can target with your sonar gun blast. Head over to the left from there. You will see you Grapple points above the grating you are on. Have both Batman and Robin grapple onto one. This will fill the area below you with water and reveal a Suit Changer for Robin. This gives Robin the Ice Suit. Head down to the water spout you created a little while ago. Now fire off a few burst of Ice into the Water Spout and it will freeze into a solid wall of ice. This will end the stage by sending Bane, Penguin and Poison Ivy into a cathedral wall.