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Spec Ops: The Line Walkthrough: The Edge

Yet again you and your squad will be found trudging through the desert. Walker will elaborate upon a theory that he has been working on involving the fate of the 33rd, speculating that the doomed squad turned against itself after the sandstorms killed more survivors, and that the CIA was sent in to deal with the mess before it became public. Before the squad has too much time to talk things out, Lugo will pick up a disturbing transmission coming from nearby detailing a captured agent who is about to be killed. Walker will order Lugo to triangulate the location of the signal, and with that you will be off.

Proceed ahead and you will find yourself on the balcony of a half-buried skyscraper, looking down upon the city below you. Head to the right along the balcony, towards your objective marker. Round the corner to the right and head towards the zipline at the back left of the balcony. Take the zipline across to the other side of the street, where another skyscraper will await you. Head down the stairs to the right and prepare for some stealthy combat ahead. Proceed through the small door and take cover against the low wall overlooking the landing below you. Order your squad to equip silencers and eliminate the enemies without raising an alarm. Proceed down the stairs and take cover against the open double doors.

You won't be able to get through this room stealthily, unfortunately, so don't waste any time in tossing a grenade by the table to take out several soldiers at once. With this, you should run in and take cover behind the couches in the middle of the room, shooting the reinforcements as they advance from the circular staircase to the left side of the room. Look over the railing and shoot anyone you can see on the level below, focusing particularly on the balcony undearneath the one that you just cleared. If you need to refill on grenades, note that there is a grenade box all the way to the back right-hand corner of the room that you just cleared.

When you can't see any more enemies from above, head down the stairs and take cover behind the couches. Shoot across at the enemies on the other side until no more remain, and then loop around the left-hand side, being sure to stop and refill your ammo behind the pillar along the way. When you reach the other side, take cover behind the makeshift fort of tables and chairs, as more enemies will begin to pour in from across the bridge on the other side of the room. Toss a grenade to suppress them if necessary, and then shoot the rest. Head across the bridge and search the small room to the very left of the bridge to find a piece of Intel before proceeding to the ropes mounted at the opposite side of the room.

Rappel down to the lower level. If you follow the fallen crane to the opposite building, you will see a large group of enemies waiting for you. Do not shoot them yet, though, as you will have the opportunity to use a Scout Tactical sniper rifle to pick some off with precision shots, making this battle much easier. Follow the path and grab the sniper rifle from where it sits propped up against the column, and then take cover behind the low wall to the left of the column. You will have your pick of targets for your first shot. Enemies will be occupying two levels of the opposite building. Choose on of the enemies on the lower level, as there is more cover down there for them to hide behind. After the first enemy is downed, the rest of the bad guys will begin to return fire against you. Pick the rest off with your sniper rifle and refill your ammo before sprinting across the red metal path to the adjacent rooftop.

Take cover behind the crates as you reach the opposite building. Several large waves of enemies will pour out from the doors on the opposite side of the building. Keep the Scout Tactical equipped and use it to eliminate far aaway enemies one at a time. Focus especially on the ones hiding behind the chest-high metal walls on the balcony, as they will be equipped with sniper rifles. Also be on the lookout for enemies heading to the balcony on the right of the area in front of you. When an enemy heads here, they will be equipped with an RPG and you will need to kill them or issue a kill order very quickly to stay alive.

Aside from these caveats, most of the enemies you fight here will be of the regular footsloldier variety. You can pick many of them off with the Scout Tactical as they advance down the center path, which will be slightly below you so you will have a great view of it. When you begin to run out of ammo for your sniper rifle, look up to the building to the left. Pick off any enemies who might have taken up positions here and then sprint to cover inside of the small building. Climb the stairs and take cover by the low wall on the front of the building to refill your ammo or swap out for a shotgun. From your position up here, you should be able to find and kill the remaining enemies easily enough.

After the battle, head to the back of the small building's rooftop to find a second ammo refill box and a light machine gun, which you might want to grab in stead of your sniper rifle (or your alternate weapon, if you'd rather.) Head up the stairs and run through the door from which all of the enemies came. Drop down the eldge and walk down the hall, following your squad towards your objective. When you reach a staircase that branches off both up and down, head down first to grab a piece of Intel before following your squad up. Drop out of the building, vault over the railing, and head out onto the sand pit ahead.

The sand will soon fall out from under you, sending you tumbling down into an office buliding of some soft. Take cover on the column nearest to you, and take out your light machine gun. Be on the lookout for a new enemy type in this battle. The melee soldier will sprint at you with a knife, tossing safety and reason to the wind with the simple goal of killing you as quickly as possible. You will always want to eliminate these enemies first during battle, as losing track of them can often be deadly. Take out the melee soldier and then eliminate the remaining two soldiers in this room. Sprint to cover behind the desk to the right side of the doorway ahead. You will find an ammo refill box waiting for you here. Use it if you must, and poke your head out from cover to find the room ahead swarming with enemies, including another melee soldier who will drop in from the skylight when you enter the room.

Snipers will be positioned on the upper balconies to the left. Sprint into the room and take cover behind the central column. Restock your grenades here, and use one or two to take out the majority of the enemies on the ground. With them gone, you will be free to peek out and focus your fire on the snipers, or order your squad to do so. Take the zipline across to the adjacent building and walk across the makeshift bridge to your left. Explore the central room a little here, heading up the red stairs and around the corner to the left to find a piece of Intel waiting for you on the second floor. Head back down the stairs now and into the room labeled the "Liar's Lair" by the white paint on the wall. Head through the door and into the offices ahead, which will now be flooded with sand. Keep following the hallway until you reach a slanted hall. Run up to the top of the hallway and hit either the B or the O button to kick open the door.

As it turns out, this will be a big mistake. Tons of sand will await you on the other side of the closed door, and it will wash you down the hallway and away from your teammates. Walker will be propelled down the face of the slanted building before shooting off and onto a flagpole. The flag won't be able to hold Walker's weight for long, though, and it won't be long before our hero is sent plunging down even farther, this time to the cold ground. You will now find yourself separated from your squad as you begin the next mission.