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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 115: Sartorl Marsh Heights

Once you finally reach the Southmost part of the Sartorl Marsh, you’ll find yourself curving to head North- and upstream, at that.  The uppermost portion of the Sartorl Marsh is the Heights, which include ruins, terrifying giant apefoxes, a huge shallow lake, more ruins, a dam, even more ruins, a cave, and ruins.  Also, there might be some ruins there.

Your safe way up is through the river, but if you’re feeling adventurous, you can find ways to go by land- just be aware that you’re going to be running past some gigantic Gogol, and they -will- eat you given half a chance.

Satorl Heights
Monster Levels: 24-28 and 80-84

Gogol- As before, the Gogol are creatures that you simply do not mess with.  The Gogol you find here are entirely restricted (thankfully) to the two platforms of land that sit over the descending river from the Mauk Floodgate.  Both of them are sight-aggressive pack monsters, and both of them are several times your height- so pay attention to them and leave them alone.  You don’t want them to notice you.

Types: Baelfael Gogol, Baelzeb Gogol

Caterpile- There are a couple of Caterpile on the land platforms as well, but you can mostly just ignore them as they’re nonagressive.  Try not to let them distract you from the Gogol.

Types: Satorl Caterpile

Nebula- As stated before, the Nebulae here remain a concern only if you start a fight near them- and only really at night, as the Aqua Nebula, while damaging with their two area attacks, aren’t going to turn the tide of a battle too easily.

Types: Aqua Nebula, Frost Nebula (Level 80, Nighttime Only)

Vang- Now that you’re up here in the highest regions, Vang that are worth noticing start appearing.  Vang here are found in two places- the Basin Cave to the West of the shallow lake, and the river channel that runs up to the Mauk Floodgate (though only at night for the river channel).  These Vang have everything previous Vang had- and a new Art called ‘DoubleCheck’, which somehow causes Stun.  I’m not sure either, so don’t ask.

Types: Storm Vang