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The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 6 – In the Shadow of Evils Past, Part 1

The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 6 – In the Shadow of Evils Past, Part 1

Once outside Peter's apartment it is time to move forward. Grab the comic book page in front of you then launch yourself straight across to the building across from you. Climb up to the top and interact with the antenna there to plant the first of 3 Spider Tracers. Turn a bit to the right and swing over to the next one. Be sure to poke around this roof some. On top of the raised part to the right of the antenna is a comic page. Now, make a sharp right after that to head for the third antenna.

With that, Spider-man will be able to tap into the Police Broadband and know some of what is going on in the city. The one call that gets his interest is the one involving the Rhino creature. Hone in the star icon to find it. Time for a little fighting.

The Rhino
This is a different style fight from what has been encountered so far. First, focus on dodging the Rhino's charges. After a few charges he will get stuck in a SWAT van. At this point you can Web Rush him to deal some damage. You need to get him to charge the SWAT Vans twice more to finish the fight. Once you have him lined up with one, it is easy to get him to charge the other and just chain them together. Spider-man will launch the Rhino into the sidewalk below after the fight.

Oscorp Archives
Time to head to the North and track down the files inside the Archives of Oscorp. Once you make it to the marked location, you need to find the vent that leads inwards. It is plain obvious so just slip inside.

Once inside, you hear a security detail talking about how the stuff they have at present is marked for immediate disposal. Creep forward through the shaft as you press on. Once you exit the shaft, you will have your chance at your first stealth takedown. Just hit the prompted button and Spider-Man will charge forward, taking down the guard. Hop up onto the barrels to the left of the guard and collect the glowing container. It holds around 70 tech pieces for Spider-Man's use. After that, move so you get a clean line of fire to the box hanging above the guards. Interact with it to have Spider-Man charge it and bring it smashing down for a quick start 6 hit combo. When the dust settles from that there are at least 4 stunned guards so you can web them down quickly. Otherwise you are fighting a total of 8 security guards.

After that brawl you want to head into Storage B, on the left-hand side of the room. Head into the room and immediately take the ceiling. Look to the Top Right-hand side of the room to find a ledge with a guard who is poking at his phone. Move stealthily and you can get a take down on him. Otherwise there is a quick fight to be had.

With that guard dealt with, head for the left-hand side of the room. There you will find 6 more Security guards to take down. If you are on the ceiling, you will easily be able to execute at least 3 Stealth Takedown. If not then you have 6 guards to worry about.

If you pull off the first stealth takedown, immediately use the Web Retreat to avoid getting spotted. You will likely notice the fifth guard to the right now. Creep along the walls to get a takedown on him as well. There is also another guard in the left-hand corner of the room as well you can get a Stealth Takedown on. As soon as this is taken down the rest of the guards will come after Spider-Man. When they are all dealt with then you want to turn your attention to the suspended crate. Interact with it to clear the path forward.