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Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes Walkthrough Part 19 – Chemical Signature, Part 1

Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes Walkthrough Part 19 – Chemical Signature, Part 1

The Juggernaut
Batman immediately starts tracking for the signature of Kryptonite. Start by going forward and taking the first sharp right. Follow the trail to the park. Now it is time to follow the huge truck. This will trigger a cutscene where the Joker finishes making some Kryptonite for Lex Luthor. Just about that time though the Dynamic Duo show up to bust up the party.

The car will handle most of the driving, focus instead on shooting the first of the turrets on the rear of the truck. If you see a grenade coming at you, shoot it down quickly to avoid damage. Second in this battle is a Helicopter that comes in from above. It will fire grenades more frequently than the turret was. Still, focus fire on it and it should go down very quickly. Third is the repaired turret coming up to open fire again. Give it a taste of its own medicine before it can do just that to you. It is followed by a second helicopter to gun down.

Once the second turret and helicopter are down, a vulnerability will show up on the back of the truck with a life bar over it. Start shooting that thing like there is no tomorrow. There do not seem to be many to any hazards for this section. Just keep shooting until it blows.

With the rear compartment gone, things move on. This time a turret emerges from the right-hand side of the truck. It also comes with a Helicopter escort. Take down the helicopter first then focus on the turret. The helicopter has the faster rate of fire but the turret can launch 2 grenades at once. With the third turret destroyed a fourth will appear on the left-hand side of the truck. Gun it down quickly before it can throw any double-missiles at you. The fifth, and final, turret will appear on the top of the truck. It will fire slowly but it will get a few shots off while you are shooting at it. Gun down the grenades and press on to finish this opening segment of the stage. Once the fifth turret is destroyed, a cutscene runs that gets both Batman and Robin into this massive truck.

Inside the Juggernaut
Immediately take out the scientists, if only for some personal satisfaction. The two machines in the back will simply keep assembling robots while you are in here. They will only stop if you punch the Lexcorp insignia that is to the left and right of the assembly chambers.

Head to the back right of the room after dealing with the Scientists to assemble a Suit Changer for Robin: The Magnet Suit. Also, in the front left there is a Save Station. Now, using the Magnet Suit, pull the shiny blue pieces on the container to the right of the Suit Changer. This will release a ball into a small maze below Batman and Robin. Have Robin use his magnet to guide the ball to the: left, up, left, down and left. This will reveal a shiny blue walkway that only Robin can use. Walk on up it.

At the top, head immediately to the right. Lexbots will start attacking plus your next point of interest is there. Destroy the crates in that room to find a Sensor Suit Changer for Batman to use. Now head back into the room with the security camera. Shut down the Lexbot Assembly Box. Now, to the right of it is a wheel switch. Give it a spin to clear the way up for Batman. Get him into the Sensor Suit, cloak him and climb the ladder to the right of the Security Camera.