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Diablo III- Skills Article XLIV: The Demon Hunter, Defensive Skills- Shadow Power

Shadow Power (14 Discipline): For the next 3 seconds, you heal by 20% of the damage you deal.

Shadow Power is a slightly bizarre skill to see on the Demon Hunter, temporarily turning the user into a kind of ranged vampire.  The effect does give you a certain amount of protection for times when you need to hold still so you can throw out tons of attacks- usually consuming all your Hatred in one burst with your Secondary Skill.  Just remember to keep track of when it runs out so you can go back to evading again.  If you don’t work well with breaking your grove to stand still for a bit and then returning smoothly to evasive movement, you should probably not be taking this skill.

Night Bane (14 Discipline): For the next 3 seconds, you heal by 20% of the damage you deal and gain 4 Hatred per second.

This essentially reinforces the use of Shadow Power as a way to improve your ability to stand in one place just so you can dump all your Hatred out in one burst of bowfire.  The regeneration isn’t much- 12 Hatred total- but it can squeeze a little more time out of Rapid Fire, and that may be exactly what you need.

Blood Moon (14 Discipline): For the next 3 seconds, you heal by 30% of the damage you deal.

If you like Shadow Power, but it’s just not healing you quite fast enough, or if you want to try to use it to recharge your Life after Vaulting out of combat, you can try Blood Moon.  The increase in life gained is huge proportionately (50% more), but if you can’t spend the entire duration attacking, you’re going to regret wasting it.

Well of Darkness (12 Discipline): For the next 3 seconds, you heal by 20% of the damage you deal.

Reduced Discipline cost!  If you generate Hatred so quickly that you keep wanting to use Shadow Power again, but can’t because you haven’t got enough Discipline back yet, then you can pick up Well of Darkness.  It’s only about a 14% decrease in recharge time if you empty your Discipline out with Shadow Power regularly, but frequent users will like that a lot.  If you don’t use Shadow Power as often as you can, this rune is kind of a waste.

Gloom (14 Discipline): For the next 3 seconds, you heal by 20% of the damage you deal and take 65% less damage.

This, really, is where it’s at for Shadow Power.  Gloom turns Shadow Power into a combination panic button and trolling mechanism, making you extremely tanky while it’s active and enabling you to sit still and shoot a lot more safely.  If you use Shadow Power frequently, particularly while soloing, this will undoubtedly be your favorite rune for the skill.

Shadow Glide (14 Discipline): For the next 3 seconds, you heal by 20% of the damage you deal and your move speed increases by 40%.

Shadow Glide is a... strange rune.  Perhaps the only thing it’s really good for is using Shadow Power in conjunction with Strafe, although the speed boost and duration make it a better traveling power than Displacement, getting more speed and time for your Discipline spent.  Still, Shadow Power is best used when you have (or are making) a chance to sit still and just open up with your bow or crossbow(s) for a bit- turning it into a tactical-movement power doesn’t really jive well with that.