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Diablo III- Skills Article LXXI: The Monk, Secondary Skills- Tempest Rush

Tempest Rush (15 Spirit): At a cost of 10 Spirit per second beyond the first, charge through enemies and deal 50% weapon damage to them, knocking them back and slowing their movement by 60% for 2 seconds.

An odd sort of secondary skill, Tempest Rush is best used as one might use a sheepdog- to corral enemies into one area or another by running through their spaces and knocking them about, while still dealing damage to them on touch.  The Spirit cost is a bit hard on your pool, but if you really need things moved around and slowed, it’s hard to find a better way- the fact that you’re in constant control of it makes a big difference and can often turn knockback from a hindrance to a help, even though you are a melee character.

Northern Breeze (15 Spirit): At a cost of 8 Spirit per second beyond the first, charge through enemies and deal 50% weapon damage to them, knocking them back and slowing their movement by 60% for 2 seconds.

If you like Tempest Rush, Northern Breeze will really tickle your fancy, improving the base skill in the most obvious way- making it easier on your Spirit pool to use.

Tailwind (15 Spirit): At a cost of 10 Spirit per second beyond the first, charge through enemies with a 25% increase in speed and deal 50% weapon damage to them, knocking them back and slowing their movement by 60% for 2 seconds.

Tailwind takes the opposite tactic- rather than letting you use the skill more, it lets you do more while the skill is active.  It’s harder to control your motions when you go faster though, so be careful.

Flurry (15 Spirit): At a cost of 10 Spirit per second beyond the first, charge through enemies and deal 50% weapon damage to them, knocking them back and slowing their movement by 80% for 2 seconds.

Here, again, we have the rare 80% slow effect- making Flurry a very nice way to help your ranged teammates avoid taking injury while holding still long enough to actually shoot/cast at a target.  The Barbarian probably won’t care, though.

Slipstream (15 Spirit): At a cost of 10 Spirit per second beyond the first, charge through enemies and deal 50% weapon damage to them, knocking them back and slowing their movement by 60% for 2 seconds.  While Slipstream is active, you take 25% less damage.

Slipstream turns Tempest Rush into an unique combination defensive/control skill that has a lot of uses- not only can you still use it to corral enemies (and at less danger to yourself), you can use it to travel quickly, to escape a losing fight, or just to get in the way more easily when something charges at the Wizard.

Bluster (15 Spirit): At a cost of 10 Spirit per second beyond the first, charge through enemies and deal 50% weapon damage to them, knocking them back, slowing their movement by 60% for 2 seconds, and reducing their damage by 20% for the same duration.

Bluster is possibly the most team-friendly form of Tempest Rush possible, giving all your allies- even the Barbarian- a chance to leave their fingers off their defensive buttons for a bit and put all their efforts into breaking the enemies first.  It’s really tempting to rely on this alone as your primary combat skill, but that would be a horrible waste of your Action Bar skills- so don’t overuse it.  Your best bet is saving it for really dangerous fights- like Arcane Champions or particularly aggravating Rare monsters.