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Diablo III- Skills Article LXXXI: The Monk, Focus Skills- Seven-Sided Strike

Seven-Sided Strike (50 Spirit, 30 second Cooldown): You dart to the target and then between nearby enemies, dealing out seven attacks for 111% weapon damage each.

Seven-Sided Strike is one of the various ‘fire and forget’ skills in Diablo III, in that it will automatically choose and hit targets, so that you don’t actually need to.  Because the damage is split between the seven separate strikes, a crowded battlefield is actually a bad place to use Seven-Sided Strike.  It is best used against small groups or individual but tough enemies, as then the strikes will be focused on one or a few targets and have a much larger chance of actually killing something, rather than damaging but not hindering a random selection of a nearby enemy horde.  This skill is also fun to watch happen.  Sadly, the damage is not very high for the time it takes- but because you are invulnerable while committing the skill, you can use it to waste time while you wait for a cooldown or wait for an AoE or Arcane sentinel to end/despawn.

Sudden Assault (50 Spirit, 30 second Cooldown): You teleport to the target and then between nearby enemies, dealing out seven attacks for 144% weapon damage each.

Aside from a raw damage increase totaling about 240% weapon damage, Sudden Assault only has cosmetic differences from Seven-Sided Strike, and is a simple improvement to make.  A good default rune.

Several-Sided Strike (50 Spirit, 30 second Cooldown): You dart to the target and then between nearby enemies, dealing out nine attacks for 111% weapon damage each.

The damage from this isn’t as good as Sudden Assault (though it’s not too much worse).  Sadly, this takes more time than any other form of SSS, so you’re probably not going to want to use it unless you’re using it for the extended period of invulnerable time-wasting.  In which case go ahead.

Pandemonium (50 Spirit, 30 second Cooldown): You dart to the target and then between nearby enemies, dealing out seven attacks for 111% weapon damage each, with a 25% chance to Stun for 7 seconds on each hit.

While this is slightly more utility-oriented than other Seven-Sided Strike forms, the main use of this skill remains wasting time.  The stuns are nice to have when they occur, but 25% isn’t as high a chance as you want to have before relying on it, and a lot of the Stun duration will often be wasted for you by continuing on to the other strikes in the set.  This has some potential when playing as part of a party, though, since your occupation doesn’t keep other people from taking advantage of the long stun.

Sustained Attack (50 Spirit, 23 second Cooldown): You dart to the target and then between nearby enemies, dealing out seven attacks for 111% weapon damage each.

This rune cuts the cooldown by seven seconds.  Not the most spectacular thing ever, considering you’re unlikely to want to use Seven-Sided Strike more often, so go ahead and ignore this one unless you’re absolutely in love with the visual of performing Seven-Sided Strike.

Fulminating Onslaught (50 Spirit, 30 second Cooldown): You dart to the target and then between nearby enemies, dealing out seven attacks for 111% weapon damage in a 7-yard radius around the target each.

Fulminating Onslaught is probably the most useful form of Seven-Sided Strike for purposes other than wasting time while invincible.  The area-of-effect damage means that you’re simply not going to care as much that you’re hitting a random selection of targets, and it can be very easy to wipe out a lot of minions with a single skill if you’re using Fulminating Onslaught.  Consider this if you need an AoE damage effect in your Focus Skill slot.