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Diablo III- Skills Article LXXXV: The Monk, Mantras- Mantra of Healing

Mantra of Healing (50 Spirit): For the next 3 minutes, you and allies within 40 yards heal an amount of Life based on your level every second (310 Life per second at level 60).  You and allies within 40 yards when you activate this Mantra are protected for 3 seconds by a shield that absorbs damage based on your level (930 damage at level 60).  You can only have one Mantra active at a time.

Like the other Monk healing abilities, this one starts out very nice- but once you pass level 60, it starts becoming less and less effective as your gear improves.  Despite that, the sheer amount of healing in total can make this effect worthwhile, and healing is the most obvious way of keeping characters alive that is available.  Not a bad Mantra most of the time.

Sustenance (50 Spirit): For the next 3 minutes, you and allies within 40 yards heal an amount of Life based on your level every second (620 Life per second at level 60).  You and allies within 40 yards when you activate this Mantra are protected for 3 seconds by a shield that absorbs damage based on your level (930 damage at level 60).  You can only have one Mantra active at a time.

Doubling the healing of the base Mantra, Sustenance is what really makes the healing of Mantra of Healing worthwhile, keeping it effective to later in the game and making it twice as handy to have both between and during battles.

Circular Breathing (50 Spirit): For the next 3 minutes, you and allies within 40 yards heal an amount of Life based on your level every second (310 Life per second at level 60).  You and allies within 40 yards when you activate this Mantra are protected for 3 seconds by a shield that absorbs damage based on your level (930 damage at level 60).  You can only have one Mantra active at a time.  While this Mantra is active, you generate 3 Spirit per second.

Circular Breathing, on the other hand, helps keep you powered and active at all times.  Used in conjunction with Inner Storm, this amounts to a whopping 6 Spirit per second, essentially the gain from an extra Primary Skill attack in each second of combat.  That’s quite a lot of Spirit and will keep you functioning at high power for a long time- definitely a rune to consider.

Boon of Inspiration (50 Spirit): For the next 3 minutes, you and allies within 40 yards heal an amount of Life based on your level every second (310 Life per second at level 60), and heal an amount of Life based on your level every time you or they hit an enemy (186 Life at level 60).  You and allies within 40 yards when you activate this Mantra are protected for 3 seconds by a shield that absorbs damage based on your level (930 damage at level 60).  You can only have one Mantra active at a time.

Effectively granting a ‘false’ Life Drain effect, Boon of Inspiration is an excellent alternative to Sustenance if your party has a lot of rapid attackers.  Dual-wielders and certain Wizards will love this.  Summon-heavy Witch Doctors, on the other hand, may not care at all, depending on how badly their summons tend to get hurt.  Make your decision between Inspiration and Sustenance based on who you’ve got with you and what skills you have ready.

Heavenly Body (50 Spirit): For the next 3 minutes, you and allies within 40 yards heal an amount of Life based on your level every second (310 Life per second at level 60) and gain a 10% increase in Vitality.  You and allies within 40 yards when you activate this Mantra are protected for 3 seconds by a shield that absorbs damage based on your level (930 damage at level 60).  You can only have one Mantra active at a time.

The increase in Vitality is effectively an increase to Health- however, it doesn’t improve based on gear and skills that improve the Health total.  Not a terribly detrimental distinction, really.  The prime difficulty here is that while it does grant more maximum Health, it does nothing at all about seeing to it that that extra Health is regained regularly, so you’re unlikely to find this of much use at later levels.

Time of Need (50 Spirit): For the next 3 minutes, you and allies within 40 yards heal an amount of Life based on your level every second (310 Life per second at level 60) and gain an increase to all Resistances of 20%.  You and allies within 40 yards when you activate this Mantra are protected for 3 seconds by a shield that absorbs damage based on your level (930 damage at level 60).  You can only have one Mantra active at a time.

In a party with low Intelligence stats or that has a lot of trouble with enemy spellcasters, this is a very nice rune to have available.  Since the 20% is to all resistances as a blanket effect, it even helps against the pesky Arcane Sentinels that are dropped by the ever-destructive Arcane champions and rare monsters.  A good rune to have and use on a regular basis.