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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 32 – The Mage's Collective Side Quests – Red Cliffe Village

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 32 – The Mage's Collective Side Quests – Red Cliffe Village

Red Cliffe Village
The Mage's Collective Liaison and Quest bag are found on the Southern Pier on the Eastern side of it.

Careless Accusations
Once you have accepted this quest, travel to anywhere else in Ferelden. You will have a chance to have a random encounter in the “Wooded Glen”. Inside there you will find a small group of Adventurers. These are the fellows you are after. Talk with the Leader to open up your options. As soon as you can, tell them you are here to stop them. At this point you can persuade them to pass you the message (the quest ends, no reward), Intimidate them into turning around (the basic reward) or opt for “Dead serious” to start a fight with them (the variety of rewards). Fighting them gives you the loot they drop and the reward from the Mage's Collective. This fight consist of 2 Warriors, a Rogue and a Mage. Kill the Mage first as they can heal the rest of them. After that, just kill the rest and loot the bodies. After you have either intimidated or killed the adventurers, return to a Liaison of the Collective to get your 2 gold reward.

The Scrolls of Banastor
These are a collection of 5 scrolls filled with Blood Magic Rituals. There are found in 3 locations and all ones that you head to during the main quests: The Ruined Temple (From the Sacred Ashes), The Circle Tower (The Broken Circle) and Lair of the Werewolves (Nature of the Beast)
Senior Mage Quarters – The Second Floor of the Circle Tower. Look around the Southeast Ruined Room. This is the room you first emerge into from the central chamber.

Great Hall – The Third Floor of the Circle Tower. Explore the room into the Northwest corner of the outer ring. You will find a pile of loot labeled “Ancient Texts”. This is just in front of where you emerge.

Ruined Temple – Head to the far East chamber off the entry hall (that is to say, take the first right-hand hall and follow it all the way to the end). You will find yourself in a library. Explore around and look for a loot pile named “Ancient Texts”.

Ruined Temple – Head up the stairs to the North of the entrance of the Ruined Temple. Turn left from there and head to the Cultist Chambers. Explore the room Northwest of there to find another pile labeled “Ancient Texts”.

Lair of the Werewolves – Head into the Chamber Northeast of where you met Swiftrunner and the spirit. This is very easy to get to from the shortcut that was opened for you here. Once inside, you will find the pile of “Ancient Texts” sitting in front of the bookshelf that is right in front of you. This is a very easy room to miss as the Swiftrunner encounter happens just before you can get to it.

A Gift of Silence
This is an interesting quest as you will also receive the quest, “Justice Must Be Served” once “A Gift of Silence” has been accepted. These give 2 distinct possibilities: Siding with the Collective (A Gift of Silence) and Turning them in (Justice Must Be Served).

The first is to do the quest as listed. You will be able to turn this quest in as soon as you have 10 Lyrium potions of any variety. The good news, in a way, is the game will automatically give the 10 least powerful. This is another way of saying make sure you have at least 10 Lesser Lyrium Potions to ensure it does not eat into your stock of good potions. If you just hold onto yours over the course of the game it is very easy to acquire that many (or just make them with Lyrium dust and flasks). Turn these into Knight-Commander Harrith in Redcliffe Village. He is found by the Windmill near the entrance to the village.

The second way this can end is to head over to Denerim's Market District. Once there, find and talk with Knight-Commander Tavish. He will still take the 10 least powerful Lyrium potions that you have as evidence of the bribe. This may cut you off from “Defend the Order” later on in the game.

Herbal Magic
A member of the Mage's Collective wants 10 Deep Mushrooms. These can be found throughout the game. They can also be purchased from the following Vendors:
Alimar's Emporium – Orzammar
Ruck in Ortan Taig – Ruck's Cave
Faryn in Frostback Mountain Pass
Gorim in the Market District - Denerim

Turn this quest in to receive 1 Gold