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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 48 – Anvil of the Void, Part 4

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 48 – Anvil of the Void, Part 4

When you arrive in Ortan Thaig Oghren will talk some more about the history of the Thaig and Caridin. After that you want to head forward along the path, taking the first right you can. Just inside the tunnel you will find a Darkspawn corpse that has a Dagger on it. Just follow the tunnel after that until it opens up into a chamber. Here you will be attacked by 4 Thaig Crawlers: massive spiders.

As you continue East you will find even more Spiders coming at you. The first ones are a pair of Giant Spiders. As you reach the next chamber you will see a Poisonous Spider scampering away from you. It will turn and attack when you reach the chamber coming up.

In this chamber you have 6 spiders, 4 of which are engaged in fighting an Orge. The other 2 will make for the Orge as well. You can either join in on the Fray or just wait for the Spiders to kill the Orge and then turn their attention toward you. Before you head to the North and onto more spiders, turn over to the East and head down the little tunnel there. Down this short path you will find a Fractured Stone with some Lyrium Dust and a Warrior's Grave. Investigate the Grave to update the “Topsider's Honor” codex entry. Remember this place for later as it is the finishing point for that very quest.

Turn to the North now. In part of the chamber you will find 9 foes, Spiders and Hurlocks, fighting each other. Once again you can wait until the fight finishes or just join in. Once you do, 2 more Giant Spiders will descend from the ceiling. It makes the fight slightly more even. There is also a Shriek Alpha who will come charging after you when the fight finishes. With them all defeated move over to the Eastern Wall first to collect from the Fractured Stone and the Darkspawn corpses there. After that, head over to the Western Wall. There you will find a chest with some money inside it.

Head to the North now into the next tunnel. A Giant Spider will scurry away from you to the North. Follow it up, be wary of the spider web though, and it will call in 2 more spiders to fight the party. Once a few of them fall, 3 more spiders will come in. Now, make your way over to the West and into the next chamber.

In this chamber you will face down 5 Spirits and a Stone Golem.  Defeat them then approach the set of statues in the Northern part of the room. Touching the chest or the web will call in 4 Giant Spiders that attack the party. The chest here is locked but it is easy to get into. Head around the statues to the Northern wall to find a Fractured Stone with Deep Mushrooms underneath it. Head over to the West. You will see a dwarf run away from you screaming. This is Ruck who is part of the side quest, “A Mother's Hope”. To the West of that you will find a small Stone Shed. Inside it you will find the Ortan Thaig Chest which has the Ortan Records needed for “Lost to the Memories”. Follow the dwarf to the North after that. He will rant at you then run into his cave to the North. Going north and looting the vase in his cave will give you the Topsider's Pommel for the “Admirable Topsider” sidequest. After that you can talk with him to learn what happened to him. Orghen will comment that the site must have been used for Branka's camp site. Head on to the Southern portion of the chamber now. You will find the altar you need for the “Asunder” sidequest. Head over to the Altar then turn around and look to the right. You will find a book that gives the codex entry, “Caridin's Journal”. Do note the altar is guarded by 6 Spirit and a Stone Golem. Head over to the East, across the bridge to move on.