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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 3 – The Keeper of Secrets, Part 3

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 3 – The Keeper of Secrets, Part 3

Now that you are inside the fortress again head forward and to the left. There is a frozen Ice Skeleton around that you can mangle up quickly here as well. Once you are inside that is when Death will be attacked by 3 more Ice Skeletons. Defeat them and head over to the far wall. Wall Run across the smooth surface to the vines and climb them to the left, down and to the right. Wall Run from there to the right and grab the wooden planks. Move from plank to plank on the right until you reach solid ground again.

Go forward onto the ledge. You will find some planks above you. Just jump toward them and Death will automatically grab them and swing up onto them. Jump forward to the vines in front of you. From there head up and over to the right. At the top dash across the wall to the pillar. Climb it up and jump up to the next one there. At the top of it lean away from it and jump to the next one. Get to the far pillar then just shuffle right once and lean jump from the pillar to the plank across from Death. Head over toward the wall and jump the gap. Now Wall Run up and Death will launch himself from the post to the next ledge. At the top head on forward.

A cutscene begins and Death and the Crowfather have a good talk. The Crowfather wants Death to relieve him of the amulet that was given to him, to take the souls of their once brethren, the Nephilim, back. Death refuses to do so and the Crowfather denies him access to the portal that he had opening to show Death where his quest would end. Death and the Crowfather stand at odds and the Crowfather calls up a fiendish foe: War's Shade

War's Shade
Just as before it is much better to dodge to the sides away from War is swinging. He does enjoy using a 3 slash combo regularly so keep that in mind. The third strike is the odd one out as it will unleash a blast of energy that travels to the edge of the arena. It is best to simply dodge away from the strikes and make sure Death is to the sides of War or behind him. It is in the pauses, when War is on the approach that is best to get in a few quick attacks. For the first part of the battle focus on dodging the 3 attacks War throws at you then coming in for a quick scythe combo.

The moment one of your attacks is blocks have Death fall back immediately to either side and get away from War. He is above you unleash a special attack. He will slam his own sword into the ground and send a number of blades up from the ground. Once the attack is completed have Death close in to take advantage of the recovery time behind this attack. Keep this up until there is a quick scene where you must mash a prompted button to overpower War.

Once War is below the mid-point of health he will add in a new attack. He will charge you and slam his fist into the ground calling up a number of swords to strike all around him. He will not use this attack often. Just keep at the same pattern as before to finish out the battle.

Once the Shade of War falls the wounded Crowfather is revealed. Hit the prompted button over his body to finish out the chapter.