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Diablo III- Skills Article CLXVIII: Barbarian Elective Build One- Come Here and Die

Mouse Skills:
Cleave (Rupture)
Rend (Bloodbath)
Hotbar Skills:
Ground Stomp (Wrenching Smash)
Leap (Call of Arreat)
Revenge (Provocation)
Earthquake (The Mountain’s Call)
Passive Skills:
Nerves of Steel
Berserker Rage

Cleave (Rupture) is your main damage source here for a very good reason- it creates amazing cascade effects of damage that will rip through enemies clustered together, which is what this build is all about.  You want to use Rend every three seconds to make sure things keep bleeding (and spread more bleeding when you Cleave something to death), and Revenge as often as you can.  While enemies next to you will often by temporarily incapacitated by your pulling skills, they won’t always, and that will not only help Revenge trigger, when you use Revenge it will probably be healing you by a lot of the damage you just took.  Your ways of getting enemies to you are Wrenching Smash and Call of Arreat.  Which one you use depends on the situation- when you’re entering combat or if enemies are mostly close together, Call of Arreat will let you literally dive right in and start busting heads.  If you’re more concerned about ranged attackers, or the enemy are spread around- particularly from chasing your party members- then Wrenching Smash will cover a huge part of the screen and bring you everything you want to kill.

If you’re facing something especially tough or just want to make the whole fight easy, follow up Wrenching Smash or Call of Arreat with your Earthquake.  The Mountain’s Call lets you Earthquake more frequently, and eliminating the Fury cost means that you can open up the fight with it anytime you like, as long as it’s not cooling down.  The cooldown is the main point, so if you don’t find yourself needing it that often, feel free to change runes to Chilling Earth to ensure that enemies are stuck near you as long as possible.

Nerves of Steel protects you in case the Stun doesn’t take or your enemies are especially resilient (going well with the healing from Revenge), and Brawler makes it less likely that they’ll survive to boot.  For the last passive, Berserker Rage lets you take advantage of your low Fury costs (Only Rend is eating Fury with any real frequency, and it only costs 20 Fury- which you should be making back from Cleave in two-three swings) in order to dish out even more damage and make more things explode with Cleave- spreading the bleeding from Rend at the same time.