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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 23 – To Move a Mountain, Part 2

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 23 – To Move a Mountain, Part 2

This room may look tranquil but there is still a Stinger Hive that needs to be dealt with in the Northwestern Corner. Defeat that first so you can leisurely explore around the room without being constantly under attack. Still, head over to the Northeastern corner after that fight and smash through everything over there. Now head over to the Western Wall and go up the short set of stairs. From there jump to the right and climb up the wall using the hand holds and planks. At the top you can start by opening 1 of 2 chests.

Now, drop to the floor and head to the Southern part of the area. There is a lever there by the lava flow that opens the way forward. It offers a choice of going up or down. Going will move you toward the entrance of the Lost Temple, where you want to go next. If you want to collect some more treasure, then head downwards into the Nook's basement.

The Basement of the Nook
Hang over by the right-hand side wall. When the stairs end start a Wall Run to make it over the lava. After the post you are fine but it is still very easy to do another Wall Run if you would like. Just head to the East from there. This is just a brief tour into the Nook as there are areas too intense for Death right now. Continue forward until you can turn to the North. Head on up and then turn to the West.

In this room you cannot do as much as it looks. Just head forward to the beams that coming out from the wall beyond the first rise you need to climb. Hop out to the second beam then move over to the wall and run up to the set of beams above. Go to the end one and wait. This will release an Orb that will roll down the slope to a gate. Now drop down to the set of beams below and wait on this beam switch. It will lower the gate and set the Orb free. Now head back to where the Orb is.

With the Orb head over to the lever that is to the North of the door. Throw it to lower a platform down. Now roll the Orb onto it. Throw the switch again to raise the platform to the next level. Turn and roll the Orb to face to the South. Now, shove it across the gap. Turn to the West after that and look up to the right. You will notice a Stonebite just between a pinnacle and the wall. Quick claim it then drop down. Head across the room and to the South you will find a series of post you can use to climb up. Do so and at the top you will find another lever. Throw it to raise the second platform, which has the Orb now. Grab it and roll it around the next corner to the West and into the Ball Socket. This will open the nearby door. Also take a moment to get at the Chest that is to the right of the Ball Socket for some quick loot.

Head into the next room and loot the chest along the Southern wall. After that throw the switch along the Western wall to open the path forward. Turn to the North and head through the door there. While you can fight your way upwards through a number of Tainted Construct Warriors all that needs to be done in this room is to dive into the waters below. In their depths just follow the walkway into a small submerged room which has the Boatman's Coin. From there, climb upwards, tearing throw the Tainted Construct Warriors. After the fourth one, turn to the right and jump the gap over to the next of the handholds. Follow the path left and turn left to find the next hand hold. Just climb up from there and jump down to the platform just below it. Turn to the right and head up the stairs and out to the entryway to the Lost Temple.