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Sleeping Dogs Walkthrough: Club Bam Bam

When you are ready to proceed with the gangs missions, activate the next waypoint and proceed back to the restaurant that your gang calls home. When you enter, Winston will be upset. He will inform you that a man named Benny, who manages a popular club downtown, has defected and started working for Dog Eyes. Old friends that Winston and Benny are, this news was naturally upsetting to your gang leader and he wants revenge. This, Winston says, must be revenge for you taking Dog Eye's bus routes. Winston will send you to the club, called Club Bam Bam, to talk to Benny and ensure that he never has to worry about Dog Eyes again.

Hop into a car and drive to the waypoint, which is just down the street and to the left. Climb out of the car, use the vendor next to the club if you need some health, and speak with the bouncer in front of the club to get in. You will have to hit the Y button in a quick time persuasion event in order to get into the club. Once inside, proceed down the hall and towards the yellow waypoint by the guard. He will inform you that the back room is VIP only. Ask him what's happening, and he will tell you that it's a karaoke room for VIPs only, and that you will need to warm up to the hostesses in order to get inside.

Leave the guard and proceed to the marked hostess. Speak with her and you will soon have her on your arm. Walk with her right past the smug guard and into the karaoke room. She will ask you t o sing with her. Agree and approach the karaoke machine to sing. All of the songs but the first, "I Fought The Law," will be locked, so choose what you have to and proceed into the minigames. This minigame is pretty simple. Just use the left control stick to move the arrow up and down when necessary, staying with the blue lines as they come. Think of it as a sideways, simplified version of Rock Band. Just try to get the best score as you can during this song. A gauge on the upper left side of the screen will let you know how you are doing as you sing. If the arrow is in the green, you are all good. If it recedes to the yellow or the red, you're in trouble and the hostess won't be pleased with your performance. Since this song is very simple, you shouldn't have much to worry about.

After you succeed at playing the song, the hostess will be visibly impressed with your performance. Wei will ask about going to a VIP room, and the hostess will give him her permission to proceed. Run through the double doors on the left and head up the two flights of stairs. Walk past the wall-mounted aquarium and grab the jade statue from the far lefts side of the bar before proceeding onto the dance floor. You will be stopped by bouncers as you walk out onto the dance floor. Wei will inform Benny that he is there on behalf of Winston, but this won't convince him. Seems Dog Eyes has threatened him with death, and his bodyguards won't take kindly to you endangering their boss. You will now find yourself in a fight with numerous standar enemies and a few Brawlers. You will want to make use of a few especially awesome environmental kills in this battle. Grab one enemy and slam him right into the aquarium for one of the coolest kills in the whole game. Then, slam another through the speaker behind you. You can smash the second aquarium in the corner, and smash another guy's head onto the bar counter. You can even toss another enemy over the railing and onto the floor below. With all of the crazy environmental interaction in this level, you should be able to finish off the enemies with ease.

Wei will approach Benny, but a guard will grab him from behind. Hit X to kick the other approaching enemy, and then hit Y to escape from the hold. Defeat the two enemies and a third, who will come at you from the left. Leap over the railing to the floor below, where you will find another mob of five enemies waiting for you. A few of them will even be armed. Defeat the enemy with the knife first, and then use his weapon to stab the rest of the enemies to death quickly. You can use the speakers and the bar counter as makeshift weapons for quick kills if you need to.

No matter how you choose to do it, clear the club out of its bouncers. A second wave of additional enemies will come out to back up the first guys, but it shouldn't be anything you can't handle. There will only be standard enemies in this wave, no Brawlers, so you can easily drag them around and beat them up without much consequence. After the fight is over, you will have to seek Benny out. He will be hiding inside of the bathroom, which will be glowing white to indicate that it is your next objective. Head inside and you will find another crowd of bouncers, including one Brawler, waiting for you. The bathroom is a veritable wonderland of interactive instant kills, so simply play around with the various objects by grabbing enemies and slamming them left and right. You can use the urinals, the regular toilets, and even the sinks to knock out the bouncers with ease. Finish them all off and Wei will cut off Benny's crafty escape. Benny will finally listen to reason, musing that if you can take out all of his bouncers by yourself, surely you are capable of taking out Dog Eyes' thugs all the same.

Completing this mission will level your gang progress another notch, allowing you to purchase another move from the gang skill tree. Examine your options, decide which path you want to go down, and choose wisely.