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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 35 – Heart of the Mountain, Part 7

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 35 – Heart of the Mountain, Part 7

Head to the Southern part of the Plaza after the second Heartstone is in place. There is a golem there in need of activation that can finally be reached. However, before you activate it, let Karn throw the Reaper over the nearby gate into the passage behind it. Turn to the West and throw the lever there to lower the gate, allowing the Golem and Karn access inside the area. Smash through to the back of the room and roll down the stairs. Things are looking bad for this Heartstone immediately. The room is filled with Corruption Crystals. Smash as many as you feel but be sure to clear the way to the Western Wall. You are going to need that passage.

Head on up the wall and to the West. Go to the ledge and use the Death Grip to sail over to the beam that is sticking out the ceiling. Now move to the left and drop down. There you will find another pillar to grab onto. Spin left again and jump over to the one that is above the lava. Swing to the opposite side and jump to reach the final pillar. Now lean toward the smooth wall and start a Wall Run. Toward the end of it Death needs to use the Death Grip twice to make it all the way over to solid land again.

Head straight forward into the next room and turn left. You will quickly arrive at the Heartstone. Use Deathgrip to reach it easily and knock it down. The problem though has just begun. As Karn passes the Golem it is infected by the taint within the Heartstone.

The Corrupted Custodian
You have rode on many of these and witnessed their destructive power. That makes it paramount to dodge and evade every blow that comes at Death. While it has the standard 2 attacks it seems to have learned a third as well. This one has it spinning attack now. It winds up similarly to its standard punch but then just keep spinning. It seems to swing lower than usual for its spin. Just puts more emphasis on paying attention to your foe and making sure that it has finished or your are certain there is an opening.

When you get the Custodian down to half health it will topple briefly. This is a great time to lay in some serious damage or to recoup some lost health. After that its attacks seem to extend some and become a bit more frequent. The usual stuff. Just keep up the same evasive tactic and it will not be long before the Custodian is toppled again. It will fall when it has very little health left, making it easy to come in for the final blows.

Head on back to the plaza. Karn has some misgivings about the Corrupted Heartstone but Death wagers that the purity of the other 2 Heartstones will cleanse the third. He proves to be wrong. It is time to chase down the Guardian and do what you can about it.

Start off to the Northeastern passage and head down the Northwestern shoot of that passage. In the massive room it connects to turn to the North once again. Head through the hole in the wall. Weave through the turns then climb up to the hand hold on the Northern wall. Climb up to the next hand hold then Wall Run to the right. Take the third hand hold to its end and drop down. Just head West and North from there. It will not be long before you are back moving toward the entrance of the Foundry itself. Just head North after that and look upon the destruction that has followed in the waking of the Guardian. The next part of this is taking that Guardian down.