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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 37 – Sidequests, Part 5

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 37 – Sidequests, Part 5

Find and Kill Gorewood
Suggested Level: 10 – 15

Time to head for the Weeping Crag. This is best done after defeating the Guardian though it the whole of the area will not be accessible until you get either the Phasewalker or the Voidwalker. Head up the stairs to the door and turn around. There is a stonebite on the Western side of the left pillar, nearby the path up to Vulgrim's shop. Head up the stairs and wall to reach locked door. Head over to the right to Wall Run and slide down the pillar. Drop to the hand hold below there and Wall Run to the right twice then climb up the pillar on the opposite side. Wall Run to the right to make it to the next pillar. Climb up it then jump up to the next pillar. Climb that up then Wall Run to the left to finally reach the balcony.

On the balcony you will find 2 Construct Warriors who will attack Death. Defeat them and turn to the West and go through the door there. You are attacked by another Construct Warrior. Defeat it then smash up the barrels and boxes to reveal a chest in the Northwest corner of the small area before the stairs. All this destruction will also reveal a passage to the West by the chest. Head on through that and drop down to the level below.

Turn to the East and grab the nearby chest. Now turn to the East and jump for the hook. Use Deathgrip to launch Death across the gap and reach the Eastern Ledge. Jump down to the area below to collect a chest then climb back up to the West. Jump into the Water and turn to the South. Nearby the Drawbridge you will find a Boatman's Coin. Climb out of the water to the West. You need to get back to the Weeping Crag's path to the balcony. Go along the path until you reach the second hand hold. Time for something a bit risky and be sure to equip Deathgrip: drop from the second hand hold and use the Deathgrip to grab the ring hanging from the ceiling. If you manage to fall right through frequent use of the Deathgrip you can land in a broken wall. Just move around until you find the trigger spot. Just swing to the opposite end of the room and open the chest there. Open it up then it is time to head back to the balcony path and into the Western room. This time in the Western room Death wants to go up the stairs to the North.

In the next room move forward to the pressure plate. Stand on it and let the platform rise fully in front of Death. Move toward it and jump over toward the wall. Death will scamper up and grab the ledge. Immediately climb up and jump for the next wall. If Death does not make it by the end of the Wall Run mark he might not make it to the top of the second wall. If this happens just start the run a little sooner.

At the top of the ledge you will notice a strange glyph to the left. Ignore it for now, you need either the Voidwalker or the Phasewalker to move through it:
If the 'Walker is on hand, plant a portal there then rush East and look up to find the connecting Portal Target. Through the portal you will find a Gnomad Gnome, chests and a Boatman's Coin with little effort.

If not then head to the East then turn to the South. Wall Run along the wall that is by the base of the stairs and jump to the second. Turn to the West once you land on ground to claim the chest there with the Skeleton Key inside it. Turn to the South door and head on through. Head over to the Western edge of the balcony and drop to the ground below. This will put Death right in front of the locked door. Open it up and head on through.