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Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron Walkthrough Part 6: Defend The Ark Part 5

When you head to the next area, one step closer to your waypoint, you will encounter more enemies. They will be stationed below you, firing up at you. Wait for your artillery strike to recharge and then wipe them out in one decisive blow. A few enemies will be left over after the blast, most particularly the rocket soldiers on the platforms to the right. Gun them down, and then search the back of the battlefield and the walkway over the back side of the battlefield for more enemies. Jump down to the lower floor when most of the enemies are gone and wipe out the rest of them. You can refill your Scatter Blaster or access an Armory Reactor inside of the small building towards the back of the battlefield. You will get a new weapon, the Energon Harvester, from this Armory Reactor, so you'd want to open this one up and loot the weapon from inside of it.

An Emnergon Cube can be found to the right of the Armory. Grab it if you need health and proceed outside. More enemies will have taken up position behind an artillery gun. Call down your own artillery onto the gun to blow it up and take out more of the foot soldiers. A raised column next to the Marauder artillery cannon that you just destroyed will have a refill for a rocket launcher. Grab it if you wish, and jump into the energy lift beam ahead and to the right. It will take you up to the next floor, where you can engage the remaining enemies. Some of them will jump down to your level, while others will remain one floor up firing down on you. Call in an artillery strike on the enemies ahead and proceed up the ramp. You will be warned that a dropship is inbound for your location. Look up to the upper right of the screen and you will soon see the dropship coming in. Call an artillery strike in on the dropship to destroy it before it can unload any of its powerful cargo. If you let the enemies get onto the ground, you're as good as dead in this part.

Push ahead into the small room and clear it out of any remaining enemies. With this room emptied, the arena should be more or less clear. Now you can backtrack down the ramp to the middle plateau, on the back of which you will find a crate with some currency in it. When you've grabbed everything you need from the area, head back up to the top of the ramp and activate the Neutron Gun controls. A massive cannon will emerge from the ground in front of you as you pull the level back. Unfortunately, the targeting systems are old and they aren't responding. You will have to fire the gun manually. Proceed back to the ground level and onto the waypoint marker, which will be situated on an elevator. Ride the elevator downstairs and drop down to the lower level. Climb under the wires and wait for the columns in front of you to lower. When you reach a turn, head to the right and grab the money in the corner before heading over to the left. A current of electricity will arc down from the ceiling. Time your dash so that you avoid the electricity. Head through the door and down the ramp and you will be at the cannon. Now for some fun.

Enter the cannon's seat and use its targeting systems to blast  few dropships out of the sky. Ironhide will tell you that he doesn't have the firepower to stop the tanks approaching his position. You will see three tanks marked by red symbols on your HUD. Use the gun's reticule to target the tanks, one to your lower right, one in the middle of the area, and one to the left. Two more tanks will come out later, with one coming from the lower middle left and one coming from the upper left. Finally, a third tank will pop out just behind the column in the middle of the area. A dropship will also zone in on your position at this point, so you might want to shoot it out of the sky. With that, the Neutron Gun will fail. You are out of Energon. As you try to head back to Perceptor, the door will slam shut in front of you and a new path will open. Follow the pat has it creates itself and enter the dark hallway ahead. Follow the doors as they open to reach the core of the base.

Descend the stairs that form in front of you and head towards the bright light ahead. Optimus will ask the mysterious presence for help. Pull the level ahead to ensure that you receive it. With the lever pulled, Metroplex will emerge from his slumber to aid you. This will mark the end of the level, and the beginning of the next, which will see Metroplex aiding you in your desperate struggle to repel the Decepticons and defeat Megatron for once and for all.