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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 51 – The Toll of Kings, Part 4

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 51 – The Toll of Kings, Part 4

Head into the new area and start by going to the South, following the Lantern's beam. Follow the path laid before you and go up the stairs to your left. At the top head over to the West, past the Guide statue holding nothing. Approach the ledge and look down. You will see a Shadow Bomb Growth there. Grab a bomb then return to the top of the stairs. To the East of the statue you will see some Corruption Crystals. Throw the bomb at the crystals and shoot it to clear the way. While the passage does not let you move forward it does have some nice loot inside it. Now return to the Statue room. Collect a second Shadow Bomb and this time head back down the stairs. Go and throw the bomb on the Corruption Crystals sitting to the North of the statue. Shoot the Shadow Bomb once you have planted it on the Crystals. Behind them you will find another Shadow Bomb Growth. Before heading into the passage though spin the Statue with the Lantern to the West. Go and grab one of the Shadow Bombs from the newly revealed growth and bring it into the room you just opened up. Here you need to throw the bomb onto the Corruption Crystals on the opposite side and shoot it to blast them away. Now head to the North.

In the Northern passage head to the top then turn to the West. Time for a good length Wall Run. As you start along the Northern Wall hop immediately over to the Southern. This will net you a Boatman's Coin. If you miss it on the initial run, just head back using the Southern Wall and you will claim it. If neither of those work (or you do not feel like it) you can also use the Deathgrip to claim it. Finish going to the West and turn to the South to find the next Lantern Chamber.

In this chamber turn your attention to the Lantern Statue. Spin it to face its beam to the West. This will raise a bridge to the West. Death can cross the bridge and claim another page from the Book of the Dead. Now turn it to the South to gain more loot. Enter into the Crypt you just opened and go to the right. There you will find a chest waiting for you. Head South after that and turn into the second alcove on the right. There you will find a Soul Arbiter's Scroll. Now head all the way South and turn to the East to find the missing Lantern. Grab it and head back into the corridor leading toward the North. Death will be ambushed by 5 Skeletons. Set down the lantern to battle with it slowing you down. After defeating the Skeletons grab the Lantern again and head to the North.

Get back to the Lantern Statue and turn to the East, where the Corruption Crystals were. Now head to the Northern passage, Wall Running and Jumping. Head South and West after that to reach the opposite side of the gap where you just placed the Lantern. Switch to Deathgrip and yank the Lantern across the gap. Head over to the statue, set down the Lantern, and spin the Statue to face South. Grab the lantern and head South after that.

Take the Lantern up the Southern stairwell to the top. Once there interact with the statue to place it back in its hands and clear the path West there. Just head across the bridge to the West and through the door on the far side. Wall Run to cross the first gap then drop down as you to reach the second landing. Either Wall Run or hop down to reach the third and hop down to the fourth. On the fourth landing, turn around and head up the stairs a little. You will find a Relic of Etu-Goth you can claim. Just descend after that.

At the bottom head around the room and smash everything up. The large headstones are particularly worth the effort as smashing all 3 of them will make a hidden chest appear. Also be warned that each Headstone smashed releases a number of Skeletons to fight. There are two headstone to the left of the massive pile of bones. The third headstone is sitting in the Eastern Corner. Just head to the West after that.

In the Animus Stone room Death is set upon by a number of different foes. He has a swarm of Scarabs to content with on top of a trio of Skeletal Archers. There is a second wave that is nearly identical to the first just with one more Archer. After those 2 waves of enemies have been defeated you need to claim the Animus Stone. From there turn to the Northeast and head on out.

Heading to the Northeast Death will enter a circular chamber. Take a little time to smash up the weapon racks here to get a few more goodies. Go to the East from there into the next room. Turn to the North to find a chest. After that head to the Southern Wall and Wall Run up the Eastern Wall there and smash all the junk there then Wall Run to the West to smash more junk for gilt and some items. Along this Western side is also a hidden Boatman's Coin.

Now head over to the Eastern Wall and climb up it using the hand holds, Deathgrip and Wall Running. At the top of the wall turn around and face to the West. You will notice a Deathgrip hook on the ceiling a a chest opposite you. Swing across, claim the chest, then head back. Go over to the East and throw the lever to open the path back to the Gilded Arena's center.

Once back in the Arena head over to the Northeast to find the Demonhead to place the Animus stone in. That is 2 of the 3. Just one more to go now.

Head on over to the West and go up the stairs in the passage. Take it up to reach the first level of the Arena's viewing area. Just head to the North this time. Above the Demonhead Summoning Fount you will find the door you are looking for. There are honestly no monsters waiting in ambush this time. It is very disturbing if only because you expect some conflict along the way.