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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 59 – Phariseer, Part 5

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 59 – Phariseer, Part 5

Head back to the Elevator room and head to the East. Drop down to the first floor of the tomb. Head to the Southern part of the First Floor. Head to the Summoning Circle and call up the Phariseer. Have him head through the bars to the Pressure Plate beyond them to clear the path forward for Death. Head into the next room. There you will find 5 Mummies waiting to attack Death. Defeat them then head over to the Central Western Wall. There you will find a Shadow Bomb Growth. Grab a Bomb off it and turn to the South from there. Throw the bomb on the Corruption Crystals that have grown up behind the statue there. Once they are blasted away head through to the South.

Drop down the shaft to the room below. Turn to the right as you enter the room and step into the Summoning Circle. Call up Phariseer and have him stand on the pressure plate in the middle of the room. This allows Death to access the 3 chest found around this room. The catch is that each of the chests will trigger an ambush:
West: Mummies
North: 2 Undead Generals
East: 2 Wraiths

Once all the fighting is done head for the Northeastern section of the wall. Here you will find a scrawl that gives another set of coordinates from the Soul Arbiter's Sacred Scroll.

With that stuff collected it is time to head out of the Phariseer's Tomb. Fast Travel out to the Maw and then head to the Southern portion of it. There you will find the passage forward. Move forward and make sure you have Interdiction equipped. After that approach the Summoning Circle and call forth the Dead Lord. Head forward and look to the North. You will find a lever for Phariseer to pull. Send him to do so then head North. Note that went you cross through the ghostly wall any summoned Lords will vanish.

Head to the South after that. Follow the stairwell down then turn to the left and climb up the wall there. At the top jump back over the wall you just climbed to find another Boatman's Coin. Now climb back up the wall and continue along the passage. When you reach the drop in the passage, after the second ledge you need to climb, turn to the right and climb up to the hand hold there. Climb along it to the left and drop down at the end of it. Drop down from this ledge to the floor below.

On the floor below head to the East then turn South. Be sure to grab the blue glowing relic to claim another piece of the Soul Arbiter's Scroll. Turn to the East after that and head out into the Spine itself.

Turn around as you enter the Spine and look to the South. To the left of the exit from Phariseer's Tomb you will find a post that you can use to climb up. Wall Run upwards and use Deathgrip to reach the Hand Hold above. Shimmy to the right on the hand holds and climb up at the end of them. At the top you will find a chest you can loot. Do so then turn to the South. Above the Hand holds you will find a Stonebite. Shoot the stone to claim a Stone of Power.