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Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron Walkthrough Part 28: Starscream's Betrayal Part 2

Continue your rampage through the Decepticon base, using your sword to smash through the enemies in the next room. Stay shielded when you are not attacking , as several enemies in the room will have rocket launchers and several more will have sniper rifles. Slowly make your way around the arena taking out each enemy that you encounter. If an enemy like, say, a sniper is too far away to reach with your sword, simply pick up one of the red explosive barrels from the ground using RT and then hit it again to chuck it across the room and blow up the enemies. Refill your health from the Energon Cubes in the corners of the room if necessary. Ideally, you should find that you don't even need much health, being as powerful as you are.

After the fight, talk to Swoop. He will tell you that the guards triggered two switches on opposite sides of the room in unison to let him out of his confines. Pick up one of the exploding barrels and chuck it at one of the switches, and then head to the other side of the room and either whack or explode the other switch before the first deactivates. Swoop will escape and turn into his new pterodactyl form. Follow Swoop out of the confinement room and onto the bridge ahead. He will take care of the guard ahead in grand fashion before opening the path ahead of you. Follow him across the bridge and then hit X at the door to pry it open. Head down the hall with Swoop, being sure to grab the Energon Cube from your right if you need any health.

You will find yourself in a sinister laboratory. Each of the glowing blue consoles ahead of you will represent an audio log from Soundwave that you can listen to in order to gain more insight into his bizarre experiments. Activate the consoles if you wish to learn more about the lore of the game's world. When you're done here, activate the indicated console and smash through the red door to the left. Head into the next room and Hardshell will drop down on the other side of the arena. He will quickly retreat into a hovering battleship and begin peppering you with machine gun fire. Pick up one of the exploding barrels from either the left or the right side of the room and hurl it at the ship.

You will have to repeat this process a solid five or six times, depending on how directly you hit the ship, and lesser Decepticon enemies will soon enter the room to thwart your efforts at downing the ship. Keep dashing back and forth between the right and the left sides of the arena, grabbing the explosive barrels as they spawn. Keep hurling them at the ship, and take down the flying snipers when they enter the room as well. When dashing back and forth, use your shield to protect yourself from the heavy fire of the ship. After blowing up the ship at last, Hardshell will fall out of the ship. Approach him and hit the attack button to finish him off.

The door ahead will open to a bridge. Leave and head across the bridge. Swoop will trigger a shield on the bridge. Wait for Swoop to count to three, and then hit the red shield generator. Hurry through the smashed up bridge ahead, being sure to avoid the holes in the ground. If you fall through here, you'll end up below the bridge and you will have to return to the beginning of the bridge and repeat the whole process over again.

Enter the next room. You will find Slug, who will bash a hole through the wall in his dinosaur form. Follow his trail of destruction. As you do, you will fall through the floor. Grimlock will order Swoop to follow Slug. You will have to make your way through the sewers to meet back up with them. Drop down to the level below, where you will be greeted by a group of unfriendly Decepticons firing on you. Put up your shield and approach. Before you can get too close, the Insecticons will attack and the floor will fall out from under you yet again. Follow the sewer pipes and grab the audio log at the bottom. When you emerge from the pipes, you will find yourself in a room rife with Insectiscon eggs. Smash up the eggs and use your melee attacks to make quick work of what were in past levels giant, intimidating Insecticons. They should be but fodder for you now.

After finishing off all of the Insecticons (be sure to get the flying ones, too)Soundwave will acknowledge you. Smash through the wall ahead and proceed outside. Soundwave will taunt you, saying that you cannot unlock your full potential until you can transform. Kickback will serve as a twisted mentor of sorts, prompting you to transform through sheer rage. Follow the devious Transformer across the room and into the next area. Hit X to knock down the pillar to creat a makeshift bridge. Follow Kickback across the bridge and into the lower chamber of the next room. A massive Insecticon will rush out and attack you. You will now have to fight off the giant bug and his minions. Wait for the giant Insecticon to charge you, and then quickly dash to the side, forcing it to dash straight into a wall. With the enemy stunned, attack him from behind until he dies. Hit the buttons indicated onscreen to finally transform into your T-Rex form. In this form, you will find the controls have changed to be very similar to those of Bruticus. Hit B to melee attack with mouth, feet and tail. Hit RT to spew forth a jet of flame from your mouth. Finally, hit RB to execute huge melee attacks. Use these moves to cut through the charging Insecticons like butter.

After the battle, you will meet up with Slug in his Triceritops form. Alllow him to help you up to the next level, where you will meet up with Swoop as well. When you walk outside, the Space Bridge will activate and shatter the landscape around you. Hit X to push over the column in front of you and proceed across the chasm ahead. Follow Slug, checking to the right to find an Audio Log hidden behind two orange pods before jumping down after Slug. Walk into the Decepticon base and navigate the crumbling pathways to follow him. When you reach the second platform, a small group of Insecticons will pop out to attack you. Nothing you can't easily handle. Proceed under the catwalks ahead as Slug does battle with a giant beetle. Strike the red switch in front of the door, grab an exploding barrel from the right, and toss it trhough the door when it opens to hit the second switch on the other side. Follow the path on the other side of the door to reach the outside arena.

You will be accosted by flying enemies here. Grab the exploding barrels and toss them at the fliers, or alternately jump up in the air and strike them with your sword. If you have enough Rage, you can even transform and hit them with your flamethrower; to do so would make this encounter with the fliers significantly less annoying, but would also be kind of a waste of your accumulated Rage. After killing all of the fliers, hit X to push over a bridge for your allies. Swarmers will attack you on the drond now. Let them come to you, and use your melee attacks to make quick work of them. After you deal with the first round of Swarmers, a second group will emerge from the ground by your feet. After a while, the game will prompt you to transform into your Dinobot form. Follow the prompt, as it's the only way to end this scenario. Otherwise, the enemies will keep coming forever. In your T-Rex form, use your flamethrower to lay waster to the fliers and your melee attacks to make short work of the enemies on the ground. Head over to Slug by the right-hand wall to get a boost up to the next level.

Follow your allies into the cave directly ahead. When you land, a few more Insecticons will attack, but Slug will simply charge right through them. Head up the incline to the right, where you will find a switch. A second switch on the ground will activate a door to your left. Activate the door and then grab the explosive barrel atop the incline. Toss it through the open door before it closes to hit the next switch and open the way ahead. Proceed deeper into the caves. When you reach the end of the hall, hit X to smash through the door and into the next area, from which you will begin to hear ominous screams.

Smash up the next room, which will be full of fodder enemies. Cut through them like a knife through butter and proceed to the red marked generator ahead. Hack up the generator with your sword, but be sure to keep your back clear of the numerous Insecticons who will be swarming into the area even as you attempt to free Snarl. Transform into your T-Rex form when you have enough Rage, and use your flamethrower to destroy the generator at last. More Insecticons will funnel into the area. Burn through them and rush over to the marked wall, which you will have to burn through. Run outside to find Snarl trapped in a field of electricity. Sharpshot will be playing puppet master here, sending in Insecticons to kill you as he tortures Snarl.

Hack through the Insecticon ground troops until you have enough Rage to activate your T-Rex form. If you need to kill numerous enemies at the same time, try chucking an explosive barrel into their midst and watch as the Rage flows in. Swoop will pass by overhead soon. Pop your transformation and cut through the ground enemies. Airborne enemies will soon follow Swoop into the arena. Burn them out of the sky with your flamethrower. You will have to go through wave upon wave of enemies to get to the next scripted sequence. One of the large beetles, now called Insecticon Bruisers, will finally come into the arena and challenge you. By now, you will probably be back in your robot form. No problem. Simply let the giant beetle charge you, and hack and slash away at its backside when it misses you entirely and shashes into the wall. Finish the Bruiser and the rest of the smaller enemies off.

Frustrated, Sharpshot will start to torture Snarl to death. You hould have a decent enough chunk of Rage meter built up by now, but you might need more. Kill the Insecticons as they rush in to die at your sword. Keep going until you have a full Rage meter, and transform immediately. Use your Flamethrower to destroy the marked generators. There will be one in the middle of the area, one to the right, one to the top left, one to the middle left, one to the back left, and one to the back right. Make a circle around the arena, and you should find them all. Don't even bother with the enemies unless they're directly blocking your path to a generator. If you can't destroy all of the generators in time, Snarl's health meter on the top of the screen will deplete and he will die, forcing a Game Over.

After destroying the generators, your allies will come in and save Snarl. This will trigger a cutscenein which the four of you break into the Decepticon base. Activate the computer terminals around the room to heal Snarl. Afterwards, a terminal will be marked by your waypoint marker. Head over to the red terminal and the shutter ahead of you will open, giving you a glimpse of the chaos outside. Head over to the computer to your back left to examine the energy readings. When you do, Optimus Prime will contact you. Grimlock will fill Prime in on the Decepticons' plans, but her will ignore Optimus' orders to return to base, instead opting to take the Space Bridge down himself. Suddenly, the glass behind the shutter will shatter and Grimlock will usher his allies out of the room before pledging to take down the Space Bridge. Head up to the open window. Attempt to reactivate the blast shields. It will be of no use, however. You will soon be sucked out of the window, but Swoop wil save you.

You will now be in control of Swoop. Fly him just like you would one of the planes, and use his missiles to blast through the enemies all around you. Boost through the canyon, blasting the enemies to the left as you swing around the corner, and fly through the cave ahead. You will emerge into a shaft littered with snipers. Hit them each with a missile to take quick care of them, and then lower yourself to the bottom of the shaft. Boost through the lower cave and blast the enemies to the upper left and the lower right before flying towards your objective marker. Blast through the door and fly towards the tower, which will be marked with a waypoint marker.

As you near the tower, a dropship will hover down to your level and start attacking you. Using the columns as cover, dodge around the rockets of the dropship and pepper it with missiles to blow it up real good. Fly up to the top of the tower. Swoop will be disrupted by the energy from the tower, and he will drop Grimlock on the tower floor.