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Pokemon Conquest- Conquest Three: Watering the Garden (2/7)

The second decision you have here is whether you want to bother sending any of your fire-types off to Fontaine when you do attack.  While it’s a very disadvantageous situation for them, probably one of your fire Pokemon is lagging behind the rest of your forces in Link rating.  Because of the unique setup of the Fontaine battlefield, it can be useful to have a Pokemon on your team where you don’t care terribly much if you leave them behind on the battlefield while the rest of your forces advance on the enemy.

Either way, sooner or later you’re going to have to strike at this last currently-available ‘kingdom’, to take its lands for your own.  This means getting together your forces and moving out.  Fortunately, you can draw your forces from two fortresses- when you select the option to march on Fontaine, if you have Warriors in a different fortress from the main one you’re marching out of, the game will give you the option to ‘reinforce’ from a fortress that connects to the one you’re heading towards.  This option is available from here on out, which is a good thing as it makes organization and ensuring that all your fortresses are staffed much, much easier.

Of note is the likelihood that you have more than six Warriors now, and so not all of your forces will be able to participate in the battle for Fontaine.  Don’t worry overmuch about this though.  While Warriors who have defeated another Warrior will get a larger Link increase than those who have defeated a wild Pokemon, you can easily move any Warriors that don’t participate in the Fontaine battle to a different fortress- preferably one where they won’t suffer a type-disadvantage- and have them train there.

When it comes to your current forces, your greatest asset is likely to be Pansage, Motoharu’s partner.  While Pansage is undeniably powerful with its strong offenses and large-area Vine Whip attack, and its grass typing is very well suited to the fight, the thing has a positively sad relationship with its Warrior, having a Link maximum of a whole 54%.  Given that it shouldn’t be hard at all to pair Motoharu up with a partner who he can connect with a lot better later, you may find yourself wanting to leave him out of the fight, instead sending your two Normal types and your Sewaddle (and possibly another Grass Pokemon/Warrior that you picked up in Greenleaf between fortress battles).  Despite being highly advisable in the long term, it makes the short term very difficult, as Pansage is a great asset for the battle.  Basically, if you intend to leave Motoharu out of the battle for Fontaine, then you need to be ready and able to pick up another Grass-focused Warrior or two before heading there.