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Far Cry 3 Walkthrough Part 71 – Outpost Guide Part 12: Longshore View

Far Cry 3 Walkthrough Part 71  – Outpost Guide Part 12: Longshore View

Found on the Southern end of Hoyt's Island you will have the best luck approaching the camp from the West. This will let you see most to all of the soldiers easily without too much trouble There are 2 Snipers, 3 Soldiers and 2 Flamers. From there you can easily position yourself to the South of the camp where you will find an ideal starting point for a stealth or combat take over.

Head to the Southeast of the camp, where the Soldier and the Sniper are watching the camp. You will want to drop into a crouch and move in on them and get them both taken down quickly. Come up behind the 2 soldiers to get at the alarm first and disable it to stop reinforcements. Now turn your attention toward the 2 Privateers. Take them out quickly and loot the bodies.

Head to the next building to the North and climb up the nearest side of it. Head through the building itself to get at the Sniper without drawing too much attention to yourself. If possible, drag the body back into the room you ambushed him from to avoid any possibility of it being spotted. Now head over to the entrance of the camp and take down the guard who is standing there quickly and quietly. Take him down and quickly drag his body out of sight behind the house. Now, hang to the Southern side of the Camp and slip along the fence over to the doorway in the warehouse at the Eastern end of the camp. Wait in ambush for the soldier that patrols around there and take him down.

All that are left now are the 2 Flamethrower Heavies. From your position inside the Warehouse head for the Northern door. Look out it and find the first of the 2 Flamers. Move back a little and throw a rock against the Warehouse wall on the inside. This will lure one of them over to you. This only works if you have the Heavy beatdown Skill as you will otherwise have to fight both of the Flamers. This lures over one and you can easily ambush them inside the Warehouse. After that head back out the Southern Door and creep up on the remaining Flamer. Kill him with another takedown.

Head to the Southeast of the camp, where the Soldier and the Sniper are watching the camp. You will want to drop into a crouch and move in on them and get them both taken down quickly. Come up behind the 2 soldiers to get at the alarm first and disable it to stop reinforcements. Now turn your attention toward the 2 Privateers. Take them out quickly and loot the bodies.

Head over to the West now and you will spot 2 Flamer Privateers. Blast them with whatever you have that will quickly kill them. This will also put you in a position to quickly break away into the nearby warehouse where you can easily use all the shelving as cover if you need to hide from the soldiers and Flamers.

Take Over:
This will allow you access to the Fast Travel Point here, the store and the Safe House. It will also unlock the side quest, “Dirty Work”, an Island League Racing and Sharpshooter challenge, and a Wanted: Dead sidequest with a new knife throwing game. Inside the safe House you will find another Memory Card to add to your collection.