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Pokemon Conquest, Conquest Seven (Illusio): So You Think You Can Win (4/10)

Aya, his head lieutenant, leads the encroaching Warriors in their assault on Chrysalia.  She greets you outside the fortress walls, calling your attempt on Illusio ‘unwise’.  She says she is here to measure your strength, and determine for certain if you might be a match for Kenshin....  And now it’s time to do battle in Chrysalia!  She brings only a portion of Kenshin’s forces, a mere 911 in rated strength.  More interestingly, you are now fighting once again on the Pokemari field of Chrysalia!

Battle: Defend Chrysalia! (20 Turns)
Victory: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat: All allies are defeated.

Aya: Pow 39, Wis 71, Cha 75, Cap 5, Specialty: Ice/Ghost, Skill: Sweet Song (All allies heal HP)
Cubchoo (42/90), HP 88, Rng 3, Att 52, Def 37 (55 with item), Spd 37, Move: Powder Snow +2, Ability: Stealth (The pokemon has an extra dodge chance on its favorite terrain.) Item: Iron Wristband   

Kanetsugu: Pow 65, Wis 88, Cha 79, Cap 7, Specialty: Psychic, Skill: Rally (+Att, self and adjacent allies)
Kirlia (42/90), HP 79, Rng 3, Att 59, Def 43, Spd 47, Move: Psyshock +2, Ability: Instinct (This pokemon has an increased dodge %.) Item: Potion

Kagekatsu: Pow 82, Wis 71, Cha 64, Cap 6, Specialty: Psychic, Skill: Marksman (+Acc for three turns)
Abra (42/70), HP 80, Rng 4, Att 105, Def 40, Spd 92, Move: Teleport, Ability: Instinct (This pokemon has an increased dodge %.)

Yataroo: Pow 92, Wis 2, Cha 55, Cap 4, Specialty: Grass/Psychic, Skill: Impact (Hits push targets 1 square)
Drilbur (40/50), HP 102, Rng 3, Att 79, Def 43, Spd 65, Move: Dig +2, Ability: Sandpit (This pokemon heals some HP at the end of the turn when standing in dirt or sand.)

Sen: Pow 27, Wis 61, Cha 48, Cap 4, Specialty: Psychic, Skill: Brotherhood (+Def, self and adjacent allies)
Ralts (40/70), HP 72, Rng 3, Att 44, Def 32, Spd 40, Move: Confusion +2, Ability: Instinct (This pokemon has an increased dodge %.)

You’ll want to be a bit cautious here- Ralts has huge range on its Confusion attack, Kirlia’s Psyshock is fairly strong, and the Cubchoo that Aya has is fairly tough in terms of amount of damage it can sustain.  Fortunately, the computer is absolute pants at using the Pokemari to its advantage so that at least gives you one less thing to worry about.