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Pokemon Conquest, Conquest Seven (Illusio): So You Think You Can Win (6/10)

You exclaim in joy over the feeling of empowerment your new clothing gives you, while Oichi just seems staggered and confused.  It takes her a moment to recover and explain that Warriors, like Pokemon, can transform into a more powerful state.  Apparently, this is a very rare thing, only having happened a few times in the entire Ransei region.  She suggests that this may grant you enough strength to take on Kenshin and Shingen.

You’re now provided with a save point, and can complete the month however you like.

Once you’re done with whatever training and linking you feel up to doing in the month, you can move on to next month- and to the true invasion of Illusio.  This time, Oichi does go with her usual warning- letting you know that Dark-type Pokemon (which you have only Scraggy for) and Bug-type Pokemon (in this case, this only really applies to Sewaddle and Pineco- Venipede has the Poison weakness to Psychic attacks, and neither it nor Joltik use Bug attacks anyways, so they’re basically not useful here.  Swadloon is okay, but that has nothing to do with typing since its attack is Grass type and Bug typing doesn’t grant any sort of protection from Psychic attacks.) are going to do a good job for you in this fight.

On your arrival, you are again confronted with Kenshin, who notes that you aren’t as weak as you used to be- and he has been anticipating your challenge.  He wants you to prove yourself against him, and show your worth as an opponent.

Battle: Conquer Illusio! (20 Turns)
Victory: Claim all Banners.
Defeat: All Banners are claimed by the enemy, or all allies are defeated.

Kenshin (Warlord): Pow 90, Wis 66, Cha 81, Cap 7, Specialty: Psychic/Fighting, Skill: Bustle (++Range)
Gallade (45/100), HP 122, Rng 3, Att 127, Def 94, Spd 85, Move: Psycho Cut +2, Ability: Parry (The pokemon can parry (effectively dodge) direct physical attacks.), Item: Full Heal

Aya: Pow 39, Wis 71, Cha 75, Cap 5, Specialty: Ice/Ghost, Skill: Sweet Song (All allies heal HP)
Cubchoo (42/90), HP 88, Rng 3, Att 52, Def 37 (55 with item), Spd 37, Move: Powder Snow +2, Ability: Stealth (The pokemon has an extra dodge chance on its favorite terrain.) Item: Iron Wristband   

Kanetsugu: Pow 65, Wis 88, Cha 79, Cap 7, Specialty: Psychic, Skill: Rally (+Att, self and adjacent allies)
Kirlia (42/90), HP 79, Rng 3, Att 59, Def 43, Spd 47, Move: Psyshock +2, Ability: Instinct (This pokemon has an increased dodge %.) Item: Potion

Kagekatsu: Pow 82, Wis 71, Cha 64, Cap 6, Specialty: Psychic, Skill: Marksman (+Acc for three turns)
Abra (42/70), HP 80, Rng 4, Att 105, Def 40, Spd 92, Move: Teleport, Ability: Instinct (This pokemon has an increased dodge %.)

Yataroo: Pow 92, Wis 2, Cha 55, Cap 4, Specialty: Grass/Psychic, Skill: Impact (Hits push targets 1 square)
Drilbur (40/50), HP 102, Rng 3, Att 79, Def 43, Spd 65, Move: Dig +2, Ability: Sandpit (This pokemon heals some HP at the end of the turn when standing in dirt or sand.)

Sen: Pow 27, Wis 61, Cha 48, Cap 4, Specialty: Psychic, Skill: Brotherhood (+Def, self and adjacent allies)
Ralts (40/70), HP 72, Rng 3, Att 44, Def 32, Spd 40, Move: Confusion +2, Ability: Instinct (This pokemon has an increased dodge %.)