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Pokemon Conquest, Conquest Seven (Terrera): Dirty Business (9/9)

You return to the gates of Terrera, where Shingen congratulates you on the good job you’ve done flattening him out.  Yukimura apologises to his leader, but Shingen cuts off the apology, telling the younger warrior that he never actually intended to win the battle with you.  Yukimura seems surprised, so Shingen explains that he had always meant to join you-

And so was Kenshin, the warrior says by way of announcing himself.

You turn to look in startlement, but Shingen seems completely unfazed, and mentions that he’d been wondering when Kenshin would arrive.  The Psychic-inclined Warrior explains that anyone strong enough to defeat his longtime opponent is worthy of his own service, and declares that he shall fight for your army as well.

Oichi cheers at the prospect- and then you resume your business, choosing your recruited warriors and whatall else of the after-battle events.

With the rearrangement, inasmuch as you need any, complete, Shingen points out that it seems as though your army is headed for a direct conflict with Nobunaga over the dominion of the entire Ransei region.  Kenshin agrees with him, declaring that all of you will face battles far tougher than anything you’ve yet had to deal with.

Oichi interrupts the solemn man, though, announcing that she’s prepared a feast for the lot of you, and it’s time for a nice meal before continuing on.

Shingen exclaims over the quality of the food, thanking your companion, and offers that a feast shall be had.

Accompanied, oddly, by the three stooges who’ve been following you around, the two newest ‘generals’ feast with you and Oichi in a semi-custcene, which observes that with a dire conflict pending, your army has taken this time to relax and have a good time.  While Kenshin is clearly doing so conservatively, Shingen is quite boisterously devouring a bowl of soup.

The feast is interrupted though, as a shadowed figure appears.  This is Nobunaga, who skips all decorum in favor of beginning an ominous and slightly odd speech about how life is short and meaningless.  Startled, Oichi exclaims at the appearance of... her brother?!?

Nobunaga ignores her startlement, though, instead asking his sister what it is she desires.  Oichi states a bit nervously that she wishes for you to find the legendary Pokemon responsible for Ransei’s existence, so that peace can be had in the region.

Nobunaga laughs, finding this amusing, and says that he wants to see you and she try to accomplish this- though you’ll have to make your way through his own generals to reach him.  He tells you that he will be waiting for you in Dragnor, and then leaves.

Later, apparently at nighttime, Oichi approaches you nervously.  She apologises for not having mentioned her relation to Nobunaga before, and continues that she wants you to know that because of this she is certain that he meant exactly what he said.  She is certain that you need to stop him on his own quest, or he will destroy all of Ransei.

She says that this cannot be allowed to happen, and is the reason why she joined you to begin with.  She is certain it will be a difficult path to follow, but all the same she feels you must battle Nobunaga’s army and thus his plan.

Oichi informs you that the next places to go are Avia, Viperia, Cragsupr, and Yaksha.  This is because until those four kingdoms have been conquered, you can make no more progress towards your goal of stopping Nobunaga.  While she says she is not strong, she also is quite convicted she will accompany you in the quest to prevent the destruction of Ransei.

With that small scene done, you are given an opportunity to save, and then can finish out the month.