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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 7 – At An Impasse

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 7 – At An Impasse

Head on over to the nearby camp that is nearby the gate. Head over to cooking point and use the new Salvage Option. It will automatically open to the Strengthen Upgrade for the Pry Axe. Apply it. Now head to the Southern part of camp and use the new axe on the big steel case there. Lara will pry it open and this will give you 50 Salvage. There is a second crate like this just to the North of the first camp to find another large crate. If you have a lot of Salvage already you can easily convert it into an upgrade or two for your makeshift bow. Remember that all upgrades carry over to whatever new weapon that you eventually find.

Now head back to the Temple and interact with the wheel to open the door. Dr. Whitman and Lara will cross through and into the Temple itself. Just follow Dr. Whitman up the stairs and into whatever may come and the pair get captured.

After the cutscene Lara is free of her Captors but her hands are still tied. Move immediately for the nearby wall. Wait for the nearby guard to pass by. At that point immediately start up the stairs and for the next wall on the left. Wait again for the hostiles to move away from where Lara is. Once they do move immediately over to the left then make for the shack on the right-hand side of the area. Hide in here for the hostiles to pass by. When they have then head out from behind the wall and up the stairs you just saw the person come down.

At the top head over to the left and press up against the wall. Now wait for the 2 men to leave the area and then head for the small opening over to the right. After that stars a sequence that does not look too good otherwise. Each time, wait for the melee prompt and hit it when it is highlighted. This will have Lara get in some cheap shots on this man. After attempt to aim and quickly fire on the man. Now just wiggle the left stick and then mash the prompted button. Finally, pull the trigger on the gun to blow this man away. A cutscene runs and Lara will get the Semi-Automatic Pistol from it. Now that she has better armament it is time for her to start fighting back against the inhabitants of the island.

Head on up the right-hand path. Keep going until Lara is knocked down by an Arrow. A short cutscene later and she now has ammo for her pistol. Immediately go for a headshot but even in the slowed period it can be tricky. After that, if you still have 2 hostiles to deal with, then shoot them down. Head over to the bodies and loot them for Salvage and ammo. Head on over to the one temple door that is not on fire. Lara will get through it and then the hostiles start shooting Fire Arrows into it. She quickly turns around and breaks through some loose planking to get onto the balcony behind it.

Turn to the right and jump the gap. There is an ammo crate just past the gap so grab it get more bullets. Now move up to the wagon that is ahead on the left. Here you will find yourself looking up at a hostile, one of the Solarii. Lara automatically pulls out the bow. Just aim and fire on him to remove him as a threat. Now climb up the wall and head to the right. Jump onto the planking of the shrine, head around the corner and then climb upwards.

There are 2 Solarii just talking about the shipwreck. You want to get Silent Kills on both, which is easy if you are a quick shot with the bow. A third will then start to descend from above via a ladder. Just target him and pick him off. Head over to the ladder and start climbing up as you begin the next part of the story.