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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 14 – Cry For Help (The Bunker to Comm Room)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 14 – Cry For Help (The Bunker to Comm Room)

Here Lara will find the second banner she wants to take out for the Non-believer challenge but also a number of Lanterns are lying on the ground. Grab one of them, move a good distance back from the banner and throw it at it to burn it away. If you are too close then Lara will get burned as well, hence the caution. With that dealt with head to the North and climb up onto the machine. Hop through the opening that appeared when the vent grate fell off.

With that dealt with go over to the right and use the Climbing Axe on the valve there. This will start to flood the room Lara is in with gas. Very quickly, as a Solarii is firing on you, climb up and back through the opening. Grab another of the Lanterns and quickly throw it through the opening. It is a very easy shot with the tracking system available.

After that bang head over to the left and down the stairs. Backtrack along the last corridor and into the room on the left. There Lara will find a Barrel she can use to light her torch (apparently none of the fire around the room is strong enough). Head back into the room that you just blew up and go through to the far side of the room. Just after passing the second wall, turn to the right. There you will find the Third Banner you need to burn for Non-believer. After that head North and you will see the Guard trapped under rubble. At this point Lara will find the gun he had, a WW II Submachine Gun. Grab the gun and you can either finish him off or just move forward.

Head into the next room, putting out your torch. Move forward to the desk to find a Document. Over to the right in the corner you will find the next GPS cache, the first of this area. After that head over to the West and through the doorway. At this point the Solarii just try to mob rush Lara. She automatically pulls out her new SMG. Immediately gun down the 2 that are charging her. Head over to the right so you can have some cover now. You will also find a small ammo cache here too. Grab it when the machine gun runs out of ammo. After that, just pop in and out of cover to deal with the guards firing on you. There are a few that will drop in from the balcony above you. Be sure to also take a little time to aim and fire on the spotlights. The more of these you take out the easier it is to see your enemies. Be aware that at least 2 more will come charging at Lara to engage her in melee you can use the Melee button to shove them, pop a few rounds into them, then when prompted finish them off. It is a hard fight but it is very possible to get through it.

With the Guards dead it is time to move around and find what you can in the area. Move forward along the right-hand side. Just past the piping you will spot a GPS Cache. Collect it then head back to where you came in. Go over to the left and jump from the raised platform onto the walkway on the Eastern side of the room. Follow this to its end to find the Campsite. Use this to upgrade Lara's weaponry and learn some new skills. Attend to that then drop back down to the floor below. From there head over to the West and up the stairs a little.

As Lara crests the stairs a Guard will drop from the ceiling. Quickly take them down. Now head over to the Barrel Fire and light your Torch. Head back into the previous room. There are 2 more banners to deal with to complete the challenge. Head into the Northern room below the camp and look on the Southern wall, to the left of the window. This is the fourth Banner. Now head back to where you lit the torch and go to the North. Use the Climbing Axe on the door there to get through to the next room. Just inside, to the right you will find the final banner of the challenge. After that go to the North to trigger the next cutscene. After that get the Salvage Crate to the left then head for the desk to the right. On the desk you will find the third document of the area, another from Mathias. Now head for the narrow opening and get into it.