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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 26 – Highway To Hell (Shantytown: West)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 26 – Highway To Hell (Shantytown: West)

Head down the stairs to the right and look beneath the platform you started on. Launch a Fire Arrow at the Effigy you see hanging around there. It is the first of 5, giving you the challenge, “Laid To Rest”. You can also find an Effigy hanging on the other side of the fence nearby the base camp. This can help you get the second quickly. Be sure to hunt the Boar that roam the area around here. They offer good XP and can be an excellent source of salvage (with Bone Collector and other skills). Also know that the Fire Arrows allow you to simply shoot down the Salvage nets now to get at the crates within. Any time you see some netting, take it down and collect what you can. There are no few weapon parts to be found in the Shantytown so you want to break open as much as you can to get at them all.

Head forward along the rooftops on the right-hand side. At the end of this passage you will find the first GPS Cache of the area. Now head back to the small ramp you passed on the way here. Scramble up it to the roof. From there jump onto the platform to the South and look around to find the first of 4 Alarms. Smash it with your Climbing Axe to start the challenge “Silencer”.

Head on back to the base camp by the Helicopter now. Drop to the ground below then run up the ramp to the South of your location. Blast down the barricaded door on the right and head inside. Here you will find the first Relic of the area (Decorative Inro). After that head back up the stairs and continue pressing to the South. Use the Shotgun to blast through 2 more barricaded doors in this direction. This  will give you the first document of the area on the desk in the room to the right.

With all that in hand turn to the East and jump for the upper level to find a second Document (Toil and Distraction). This is another letter from one of the Solarii. Collect it then drop back down, turn to the Southwest and blast out the barricaded door there. Head into the room and search along the left-hand side to find the second GPS Cache of the area.

Head to the Southwest once you have cleared the room. Look for a building in this direction with a White Paint marking on it, a small circle below a large triangle. Look to the left of the marking and you will see a barricaded door. Use your shotgun to blast through it. Inside you will find the second Relic (A jade Horse). Take some time to rotate the Horse and look at the bottom to get more information on it.

From there head to the large building to the South. Going in will trigger a Snare Trap that catches lara. She will then be attacked by a number of Solarii. While it is very possible to disable the trap, if you want more Salvage (and more chances for Weapon Parts) it is not recommended. After the  Solarii have been dealt with and looted (the same applying as well to the Salvage Net). Look at the floor. There you will find a Rope Target on the floor. Hit it with a Rope arrow to pull it loose and reveal a tunnel. Head on down it and look around to find the third GPS Cache.