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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 33 – No One Left Behind (Shantytown Bridges)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 33 – No One Left Behind (Shantytown Bridges)

With everything settled for now grab onto one of the Ziplines and shimmy across to the opposite tower. Head to the Southwestern corner and climb up the White tipped wall you see there. Get up to the top of the present tower. Turn to the left and start across the Zipline. A cutscene runs as she gets to the middle of the line and 2 Solarii appear to cut the rope and bring her down. As she smacks into the wall, use the Climbing Axe to get purchase on it and make sure she does not plunge to her death. After that a second, shorter cutscene runs where it is revealed Roth is in a position to cover Lara as he quickly takes out the 2 Solarii who were after her. Safe on the other side head over to the right and climb up the wall there. Head into the cave to find the Vista Tower Camp. Rest up there and head on out the other door to move on.

Head across the red bridge at a good pace. It is stable, which is nice, but there is still plenty to worry about, mainly the one jump. After that it is easy sailing.

On the other side of the bridge head over to the right and climb up into the hole in the wall. From there head for the back left part of the room to climb up onto the platform and from there get onto the wall to scramble up higher. Turn to the left and head around the area you just climbed out of. Make the jump across the gap to reach the bottom of the bridge and the start of your crossing.

Make the first jump out onto the bridge and have Lara catch herself before she falls. After that climb up and over to the right then up again. From there you just need to cross the planking below the bridge. There are a number of different Solarii above you who are talking. Just head on forward until a Solarii spots Lara. At that point Roth will take him out in a single shot. Still, this is when things get a lot more tricky. Immediately grab onto the beam and start over to the right. When you can, have Lara climb up onto the beam and jump the gap. On the far side head back over to the bridge and start climbing. Now you need to listen to Roth whenever he has something to say.

Pause at the first gap before jumping as Roth needs to take out a guard to clear your way forward. After the gap there is another brief pause so he can deal with a pair of Solarii who could discover Lara. Roth will pick them off each in turn. From there it is a simple matter of listening and catching yourself when it becomes appropriate.

This scene culminates in a simple matter of running and jumping numerous gaps. Roth will do what he can but there are a lot of guards above firing down on Lara now. More than anything just keep moving and do not stop if you can help it at all. Jump form collapsing building to collapsing building. When Lara makes the leap onto the craggy wall and climbs up to the top of it she is safe. Just keep moving until that point.