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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 38 – Into the Fire (Solarii Fortress: Rescue Sam)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 38 – Into the Fire (Solarii Fortress: Rescue Sam)

Things are not looking good for Lara when she makes it out of the Fortress into the Courtyard. Nikolai is manning a high power turret that can tear through the walls given some time. From your starting position you need to duck over to the right and work your way forward. When you reach the rock walling, break over to the left quickly in one of the short breaks Nikolai takes.

Once on the left head up the craggy section of the wall. Be careful as Nikolai can sometimes still get some shots in if you are far enough to the right. At the top move forward to the whole in the wall. Jump through it to the Zipline that is nearby. This will begin the closing part of this fight. Lara will slide on the zipline toward Nikolai, who will continually miss her, and try to bring the gun to bear on him. He will manage to push it and her over the edge first and start shooting at her. Lara will scramble over to the left and find a Grenade Launcher. Hit the prompted button to launch a grenade up and behind Nikolai to take him out. The fight ends with a terrific bang.

Now look in front of you. You can blast these Metal Doors apart with the Grenade Launcher. It is now the Alternate Fire on your Rifle/SMG. Blast the door down and head on through. To the right you have 2 more Solarii who will start firing on you. Take them out quickly. Head down the stairs some and even more will be revealed. There are at least 4 below you and about 3 more in the walkway above the craggy wall. Fire on them carefully with the Rifle to get through them. Any time you see a good cluster use the Grenade Launcher to get some quick kills in.

When they are all dead, head forward and over to the right. Here you will find the Solarii Fortress Camp. Rest here to spend any skill points and upgrade anything you have unlocked. After that head on up the wall and go through it over to the right down the corridor. Lara will automatically duck low to get through the burning wreckage. On the other side you will find the way forward blocked by a metal barrier. Move back, to near where you came in, and fire off a grenade into the barrier to blast it away. Head out onto the rooftop to find Sam defending herself from some Solarii trying to get her to come back with them. Grab onto the Zipline nearby and head on down to ground level.

Once you land you need to move forward very systematically. You will also want to use Survival Instinct as much as possible since it will highlight your foes and make it that much easier to find and kill them.

There are a lot of Solarii that will be trying to get Lara at this point and only your cover is going to keep you alive long enough to get through the whole process. The first part is not too bad with only 6 Solarii coming at you. When you get down the stairs you have a lot more firing on you and a few more will join the fray before too long. Move forward here, using the Grenade Launcher against anyone who is above you to quickly deal with them.

When you make it to the small stone statue the game will change some. You  have another Solarii on a Turret and he is far away. You need to close in first. Move over to the left, hiding behind the barrels for the first round of shots. Duck over to the right, behind the crates after that. Weave from left to right, using dodge, to make it to the part with the burning barrels. Look over to the left and kill off the 2 Solarii who appear there. Once they are dead you want to head over there. Look to the right before you start climbing and take out the Archer who is likely in position there. Climb on up to continue on toward the turret.