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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 41 – Some Time Alone (Summit Forest, Tomb: Stormguard Sanctum)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 41 – Some Time Alone (Summit Forest, Tomb: Stormguard Sanctum)

Head to the Eastern side and find the plane wreckage. Take out the one nearby guard quietly and head out onto the Wing to the South. Look to the right of it to find a Zipline you can climb up. Do so then turn to the East and jump for the ledge. Here you find the final Relic of this area. Turn it around to find more information on it and get some extra XP.

Take cares care of the majority of things for now. The few remaining items need to be taken care of after the rest of the guards have been dispatched. Head for the Northern Central part of this area. Pick off the 3 remaining guards in the area and find the Hunting Lodge Camp. Head into the house and search the desk to find the second Document of the area (General: The Conquerors). Now head over to the East where there are 3 Solarii guards. This is the one time in this area it is a good idea to engage in open combat. Most of the other Solarii are dead so they are simple to finish off. Search the area they are in to find the Eighth set of Mushrooms along the Southern edge at the top of the stairs to the right.

Press on just a bit more North to the Eastern side of the Northern bridge. Look just behind the Northern post to find the Ninth set of Mushrooms. You will also find there is a Tomb nearby. Head to the Northeast from the Mushrooms location to find your way inside the Tomb itself.

This tomb is harder to complete because of all the Gas that will be around. Having a lit torch or even pulling out the Fire Arrows can ignite the gas and kill Lara. Then again, enough expose can do that as well. Head into the tomb and take a moment to rest at the Camp just inside the entrance. Look above the camp when you are done to find a hanging brazier. Hit it with a Fire Arrow it ignite it and then head over to the unlit Lantern. You can light the Lantern, if desired, just be sure to put out the Torch shortly after. Stand to the West of the Lantern and look for the Brazier you lit. Hit it with a Rope Arrow to swing it up into the second higher, unlit brazier above you. Alternatively you can just shoot it with a second Fire Arrow to light it.

Now move back to the camp and look up and to the right. You will see a Gas Vent. Hit it with a Fire Arrow to clear away the debris and let Lara climb up to the top of the gate. Quickly head over to the left and toward the second Brazier you lit. Climb up the wall there and turn to the left again. You will be on a platform look out at a craggy wall that you cannot finish climbing just yet. Look over to the right and you will see another Brazier hanging from the ceiling .Light it with a Fire Arrow then look to the left. You will see debris on top of the wall. Look in the top right to see where to shoot your fire arrow to burn out the wreckage. Once it is clear, run out onto the beam and jump for the wall, catching yourself with the Climbing Arm. Scale up it and onto the now clear ledge. Head through here to find the rewards. You will get Salvage, XP and a Treasure Map that reveals the GPS Caches in the area. Getting out of the tomb is fairly easy. Jump back onto the beam and then head into the gas and drop down onto the floor below.

With all that in hand head to the East and make up the stairs and follow the path beyond it into the next part of the woods.