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Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 20: Bring Us The Girl (Skywalk to The Hall Of Heroes)

Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 20: Bring Us The Girl (Skywalk to The Hall Of Heroes)

As you leave the Vox Populi Hideout you will see a pair of Founders wander into the bar. They take a minute to even notice Booker and Elizabeth. Once they do they will attack. There are 2 more Founders just outside the bar so be ready for them as well. Head back into the Pavilion. It is time to look around it some. Start by looking in the ticketing windows. The one of the left has a lock pick you can grab. This will bring your present total up to 3, even after opening the one inside the entry way. Up on higher level to the left, along the railing, you will find another Voxophone to add to your collection: Vivian Monroe: “A True Soldier”. Now head over to the left on the lower level. You will find a Minuteman's Armory Vending Machine. They have a number of weapon upgrades for you. Keep going along the wall and you will find another Employees Only area. It requires 3 Lockpicks so call Elizabeth over and have her pick it. Head inside to find some more Gear and more supplies. When you are done poking around there then head to the right and over to the Gondola Station.

When you get to the Gondola station it is very clear the area is shut down. You need to clear the skylines in order to move forward. Go to the center of the station and pull the lever to clear the cargo that is obstructing your path forward. Ride the line, jumping when prompted. From there just follow the line to its end. Drop down to the gondola below and head over to the left-hand end of it. Look on the lawn chair to find a Voxophone: Cornelius Slate “A Final Stand”. Grab it then head on up the stairs toward the statue all painted up. Immediately head toward the cover Elizabeth has taken. She will pass Booker a Bird's Eye Sniper Rifle. Move back some and plant 2 Devil's Kiss traps, one at the base of each pair of stairs (One to the left, one to the right). Now get back into cover and look up to the left Either you will spot the Sniper or Elizabeth will spot him for you. Quickly gun him down. Snipers can easily destroy your shield with a single shot and in the higher difficulties can severely injure Booker as well.

With the sniper down you will need to deal with all the Founders that seem to just coming running out of the Hall Of Heroes to attack Booker. From cover just pick them off. They are using machine guns which are not very accurate when fired for more than a few moments. Move in a crouch and even outside of cover, at a distance, the Founders are close to unable to hit Booker. Just pick off the soldiers then take some time to search the area. You should change from the Sniper Rifle back to your previous weapon. While the Sniper has impressive stopping power, without good close range support it is very hard to use effectively.

Start by going over to the right. You will find a Dollar Bill Vending Machine if you need more ammo or supplies. After that keep going along that side to find a Kinetoscope: “Who Needs The Power Company?” give it a watch then start inside the Hall of Heroes. While there is one more thing to be gotten in the area you need Shock Jockey to collect it.