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Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 36: Guns For The Lady (Shantytown to Graveyard Shift Bar)

Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 36: Guns For The Lady (Shantytown to Graveyard Shift Bar)

Head on through the doors into Shantytown itself. While it only leads to the path, it is a good start. As you start down the path look to the right. You will see someone on a walkway above the path you are on. Also to the right is a Gun Automaton residing inside a tear. Bring the Gun Automaton inside this reality and it will be on your side. This is going to be very helpful when the lead starts to fly.

Once the Founders notice Booker they will attack him. On the left-hand side you will see a small jet of water. If you shoot some Shock Jockey into it then it will instantly fry anything in contact with that water. Next, pay attention to the Beast up on the Walkway above the path you are on. This fellow is firing a RPG at you. Take cover and deal with him as the rest of the Founders rush you. As you take cover throw down a few choice traps so you can focus on the Beast. Pick him off as he fires on your Gun Automaton. The automaton will likely go down while you fight him but he will be very injured for the battle. Pick him off.

Now have Elizabeth bring in the cover for a little. Advance to the middle of the path where the cover is.  Wait for the tear with the Automaton to reappear then have her bring it back in. Dash forward. Look around as there is a second water leak in this part of the walkway. Once again there is a Beast with a RPG but this time he stands at the end of the path. Take him down as soon as you can with the few remaining founders coming at you. After you take them all out head into the station that they were guarding.

Once inside head into the elevator room. Not so much that as an office now. Look between the middle desks to find a lockpick. If you look where the elevator was you will see a new vigor waiting behind closed doors. It will not be too long before you gain access to it through.  Now head into the elevator that is working just beyond where you are. Go inside and hit the button to go on up.

You will arrive in Shantytown and see just what conditions the rest of Columbia is in. Head over to the left and around the corner. You will see an Infusion behind a few men. Approach and they will attack you. Compared to what you have been fighting they are very simple to beat. Kill them them, grab what food you need, then grab the Infusion. You can use Bucking Bronco to great effect in this fight.

With the Infusion turn around and head down the street. Look for the first path over to the left. Take the stairs on p. Just a little ways forward you will find a pair of men who try to mug Booker. Just kill them. Now turn around and head over tot he right. You will see a pipe pouring water out. Look in the drainage to find a lockpick. Now head to the end where the 2 men came at Booker. It is time to head into the Graveyard Shift Bar.

Once inside the bar head over to the left. While in here, especially in the main part, do not search anything or make a grab for the Salts on the bar counter. The Barkeep and everyone else will rush Booker if he does. You will find a Vigor and a Dollar Bill Vending Machine next to each other. Opposite them you will find a Minuteman's Armory. Buy what you want and head over to the right and through the door into the basement. Go over to the guitar and wait for Elizabeth to talk about it. Interact with it to listen to Booker play. Now head over to the far side of the room. On the table you will find a Voxophone: Daisy Fitzroy “Fanning The Flame”. Look to the left of that, in the cutlery box to find a lockpick. After that look on top of the nearby barrel to find some keys. These will be helpful a bit later. Also, head over to the right and weave your way through the pillars to get underneath the stairs. Look to the left to find a Locksmith bag with 3 picks inside it. After that head on out of the bar and continue exploring Shantytown.