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Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 56: Flight Of The Songbird (Atrium: Entrance to Work)

Bioshock Infinite Walkthrough Part 56: Flight Of The Songbird (Atrium: Entrance to Work)

Exit the elevator. Once again there is little choice but to invoke the Boy Of Silence. Once again you have a mob of Thralls coming at you. Be sure that you have some Gear that gives you a chance at getting ammo. None of the Thralls will drop anything otherwise. This is really bad because of the number of them. Even with careful Vigor use you will find yourself low on Salts easily at the end of each of the rounds with these foes.

When the fight is over, go over to the left inside the building. Look on the desk to find some goods. Search the room to find a Kinetoscope “Sunrise”. Watch it and go look over to the left of the pillar to find a Carbine. Now head back to the first room where the Boy Of Silence was and head over to the right. Head into the room beyond the sign, “Where We Lie”. Now head over to the left and through the next doorway, to the left of the observation chamber. Go over to the furnace in this cermatorium and look at the coffin in front of it. You will find a Voxophone: Elizabeth “The Value Of Choice”. Head out over to the right.

Head into the observation chamber now and look into the Tear. You will hear Elizabeth and Comstock talking through the rift. Continue on over to the left, past the sign “Where We Cleanse”. After a creepy moment just continue to the back of the room. You will find another Tear where Elizabeth is talking to a Dr. Pettifog. Now head into the next room, “Where We Sleep”.

For the first time you have a chance to sneak by the Boy Of Silence. Creep up to the middle of the room as he sweeps and looks the other way. Wait for him to once again turn and use that time to cross the room behind him in a crouch. Remember: Yellow means he suspects seeing something, Red means the Thralls, the Lunatics, will attack. If you want to engage the Lunatics/Thralls, then fire on the Boy Of Silence from the entry way of this room. It will draw them all toward the door. This makes it a lot easier to keep the Thralls from surrounding you. Remember to back up if you are feeling overwhelmed. This can be a very long fight and severely deplete your resources so keep that in mind.

When you make it to the back of the room, past the Boy Of Silence, approach the next tear. You will hear Dr. Pettifog talking with someone about a procedure that they are to perform on the Lamb. Listen in then head through the doorway nearby to press on back into the center of the Atrium. Move forward carefully as there is a pair of Automatons none too far away from that will start firing on you. You can see them at the top of the stairs. Quickly possess one of them to fire on the other and the Orderlies in the area. In addition to that you have a Zealot to deal with. Keep at the bottom of the stairs and hit him with Bucking Bronco to maximize the time you have to kill him.

After that fight head on up the stairs. Go over to the right to poke around some but there is nothing there. Head over to the left to find the next Tear. Listen to the conversation between Comstock and Pettifog talking about “curing” Elizabeth. After that head into “Where We Work”. As you head down the passage into the workplace be sure to stop and watch the Kinetoscope “Hummingbirds”.