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Borderlands 2 Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage Walkthrough Part 3 – Burn, Baby, Burn

Borderlands 2 Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage Walkthrough Part 3 – Burn, Baby, Burn

Leave the Arena
Once you come around in the incinerator room things look alright. Start up the stairs and you will charged by some Torque architects and a few other raiders with at least one heavy in their number. Take them out and keep going up the stairs. Eventually you will the exit to the arena itself. The problem is there are no stairs leading directly to it.

Look to the right of the exit, along the railing. You will find a hole you can move up through and some platforms you can use to quickly climb up to the exit. Jump through the hole on the right-hand side and over to the exit to the Arena. Just wait out the sequence between Piston and Torque. After that talk, Torque will contact you and tell you to get over to the Beatdown

Reach the Beatdown:
Grab a car from a Catch-A-Ride as you need to drive clear North of the arena through whatever bandits and raiders are trying to kill you. You will find a number of skags en route as well. Just deal with them as best you can and press on North, up the slope to the entrance of the Beatdown.

Once inside the Beatdown it is a simple matter of going around the corner. Torque will contact you and explain that the #4 Badass, Pyro Pete, has kidnapped a Sponsor and is holding them hostage in this area. Torque explains you can rescue the Sponsor and that you should kill and meet Pyro and not in that order.

Take a little time to restock on needed ammo then get into the brawl with the Burners that are running around in the area: Burner Rioter, Crusher, Angry Bikers to start. Once the fighting begins they will bring in a Badass or two as well of the Biker variety. Just remember to be packing something with Shock so you can punch through shields. Head to the South as you fight through the forces that stand before you. As you make it to the intersection of the road you will encounter 2 Bikers on bikes and 2 Rioters. For the bikes you need something corrosive but after that you can use whatever on the Rioter who is simply charging at you.

Get through the first group by simply walking into them on the street. It is important to wipe them out before you start over to the South. This will trigger the spawn of more foes and a Boom Biker. Fight through them and continue on to the South to the next road.

When you make it down to the road you will get a message from Pyro Pete. He just talks about setting you on fire and watching you burn. There are only a few enemies here but to the East there is a Gun Turret. Therefore it is suggested, before engaging the rest of the enemies, take out the gun turret with something corrosive. Take a moment before going East, after wiping out your foes, to restock on ammo as needed. There is still more to go before you can reach that sponsor.